How do you function in life being this emotionally overwrought?
How do you function in life being this emotionally overwrought?
Chromosomes aren’t junk science. The problem is that Semanya has a Y chromosome. It’s not as black and white as you’re making it seem.
I understand the impulse, but you shouldn’t conflate intersex people with transgender people. It’s two completely different things.
It’s because we don’t trust the writers to not fuck up Clegane bowl.
You sound like a wonderful person who has plenty of fulfilling relationships and hobbies.
True, because that still falls in the range of plausibility for a male athlete, especially if the levels are consistent from the time they enter the sport. The same thing goes for women — if it’s plausible that it’s natural, it’s acceptable. I am not going to speculate on what exactly causes Semanya’s testosterone…
They do. That’s why they screen for testosterone abuse in male athletes. Exogenous androgen is banned from most competitive sports, and if a male has levels that indicate that, they get busted for doping.
In real life, Abbi is LGBT and they both smoke weed and live in NYC, although Abbi has a second residence in LA for when she’s working on her other show. Their show is about how they were back in their 20s, and they’re in their 30s now. Of course they’re more mature. Part of Ilana’s character is that she tries so hard…
Rihanna might say it’s her false eyelashes, but we all know it’s because she smokes top shelf devil’s lettuce before she hits the red carpet.
Do we know if people become pedophiles via nature or nurture yet? I know the jury is still out on that regarding people with Cluster B personality disorders, which Jackson also clearly had. So maybe she was referring to that, though it also would not surprise me in the slightest if her dumb ass is racist.
Yup. I also wonder if she has such a blasé view on it because of how ubiquitous sexual abuse, both involving children and otherwise, is in the industry. Kind of like how the older generation will wave things away with “Oh, he just whipped his dick out at you? That’s not a big deal.”
This article was written by a man.
I actually think that Jackson didn’t do anything sexual with Macaulay Culkin and Corey Feldman because they were already stars in their own right and had their own money and adults handling their careers, so he had less power over them. He could use them as tools in his “See? It’s just ~normal friendship. Children are…
Ehler danlos?
Eh, BPD can be comorbid with other conditions, though. Rebecca mentions “the darkness” starting when she was in first grade, which is much too young for any personality disorder to have solidified. So, while meds don’t necessarily treat BPD, Rebecca clearly has some other depression issues to address.
I remember reading a book about someone who used to work in one those controversial “send your drug-addicted child to our school/work camp and we’ll straighten them right out” places, and they said that the teenage boys were much more emotionally fragile and quicker to cry than the girls.
Some people are men. That’s what’s wrong with them.
It must be hard to completely lack reading comprehension. You should probably work on that.
Yeah, I think that the Rebecca-related improvement to WhiJo’s life was that he met Darryl through her, and thus had a good relationship that turned into a solid friendship when it ended (and hell, he wouldn’t have gotten with his current boyfriend if not for Darryl’s prompting). He also seems to have a genuine…