
Don’t forget the economic realities. Being able to control fertility made it possible for women to enter the non-home work force and to do well. These troglodytes want women barefoot and pregnant.

I fucking hate all of these people. And that goes for every Republican lawmaker in my home state of Ohio, who are trying to pass similar bullshit here. The ONLY reason I stay in this godforsaken state is because my vote is needed, and these conservative pricks can kiss my shiny, liberal ass.

Isn’t Semenya intersex, not trans?

When Caster produces a legit chromosome test showing XX, then we talk. But since Caster refuses to do this and the ruling makes it pretty clear the issue is Caster is XY, well, that means Caster is not a woman.

Caster Semenya is intersex, not trans. She has never said so openly but the court ruling last week only applies to intersex athletes so it’s basically publicly acknowledging she’s intersex without saying so directly. 

Semenya is a woman. She is also not female. She has a Y chromosome. If she did not, the rules that say she must lower her testosterone would not apply to her.

That fact makes asking her to lower her testosterone levels fair. It’s the same thing being asked of trans athletes.

  1. So too, the point about testosterone is not that it guarantees better athletic performance, but rather that it creates the potential, in the right person (Athlete A), for a performance advantage that is so large that a person who is identical in every respect with the exception of testosterone (Athlete B) will be 10%

“a condition that in it of itself does not confer on her any specific advantage.”

“all the stupid Clever Men”

Varys out there giving me like, real Democratic primary vibes with this whole “gotta have a dick tho, make them Bernie bros, I mean lords of Westeros happy” (Varys isn’t wrong about Dany being a shit choice for queen)

It would have been delicious if she’d jumped and pulled Cersei with her back when Cers was laying hands on her, though.

I mean, I think there’s some worry that after the “Arya kills the Night King” decision, the showrunners might also side step Clegane Bowl to “subvert expectations" as well. 

Sansa doesn’t want Dany. She straight-up used a Littlefinger tactic, telling Tyrion the truth because she knew he’d run and tell Varys. Hell, she planted the seed of Dany’s demise that nullifies her claim to the throne.

Sansa was trained by Littlefinger. Girlfriend has a LONG GAME here, this was not just a blab, this was a calculated spread of information.

Sansa is the only one with any goddamned sense and ability to think about the long game. She deserves the throne.

Her father’s side of the family disowned them because of her mother’s reported Native American ancestry. She didn’t make it up (presumably someone in her family did, but it was not her) and it did have consequences for her.

If SNL had any courage at all, they would have had Baldwin’s Trump trying to seduce Canteen Boy.