I...think she’s mad that the ad wasn’t saying that mothers are solely responsible for how boys turn out. If one of her precious boys grows up to rape a girl, I bet she’d blame the girl for ~tempting him.
I...think she’s mad that the ad wasn’t saying that mothers are solely responsible for how boys turn out. If one of her precious boys grows up to rape a girl, I bet she’d blame the girl for ~tempting him.
Gillette ain’t stupid. They know that women do the majority of shopping for their families. It’s not like neckbeards shave anyway.
“it is the assumption that there are no good men out there and it further engenders, on a very primal level, that the emotional lives of men are unimportant”
The source is probably her loud-mouthed brother.
Michael may very well have been a pedophile, but let’s not pretend that he didn’t go through traumatic shit as a kid. His father beat the living shit out of him, he was sexually abused repeatedly, he did nothing but work, his mom was a hardcore Jehovah’s Witness, he had to watch his dad and brothers have sex with…
I do hope that if not this documentary, someone does eventually blow the door open on the people who sexually abused Michael when he was a kid. I imagine that some of them are still alive.
Yeah, plus he goes by Bigi (sp?) now.
Let’s just hope that RBG can hang in there.
“hen there was an online ruckus because Abbi and Ilana ‘Yasss kween’ed Margaret Thatcher”
As to your second point, that’s...actually not true, especially as the seasons progress. It’s not perfect, but there are definitely plenty of non-white characters besides Lincoln, especially in the guest roles. I’d say as far as sitcoms go, it’s one of the better white-created ones in that respect, along with Crazy…
Yeah, the dude had severe coronary atherosclerosis at 33. Even if he hadn’t OD’d, he wouldn’t be around today. Even if he had gotten clean and sober in ‘97, he most likely wouldn’t have made it out of the 90s.
He definitely would have. He had a serious “madonna/whore” complex, and basically couldn’t see women as anything but sexual objects that caused him frustration unless they were family, friends, church or work peers. However, if a lady was in his “circle,” he was very kind and gracious to them, and would go to great…
Apparently she’s already had a full-body PET scan and no other growths were found, but the fact that it was *two* tumors is the dark cloud over this “it was caught early, no other treatment necessary!” hope. To me, that says that these are metastatic tumors. And RBG does not have have genetics on her side. She’s an…
I dunno, it’s pretty lucky that they caught it as early as they did, considering the circumstances that led to it. And it’s always a good sign when no further treatment is needed after removal of malignant growths.
She’s got an iron will and good genes in *some* capacities, but she’s Ashkenazi: we have some serious genetic predispositions for certain types of cancers, including two of the cancers that RBG has already had. Plus, her mom died from cancer the day that RBG graduated from high school.
Everyone involved in this needs to get their asses back into therapy.
How are any of those headlines fueling the BPD hate train? None of them even mention it. Are we supposed to coddle this dude simply because he has a personality disorder, and forget that he said some disgusting things about Ariana and sex workers? I wish the dude well, and have the opinion that everyone involved in…
I have lived experience. I have some of these monsters in my family. One of them is a parent. Maybe you should take a gander at all of the numerous support forums for people who were abused by narcissists and tell them to stop backseat diagnosing, yeah? Think of all the good you could do! And I truly hope that your…
No, you conflating mood disorders and Cluster B Personality disorders is doing more harm than good. They’re not mental illness, it’s a fundamental part of personality that did not develop properly. It actually increases the stigma against mental illness when sociopaths and narcissists are thrown into the mix. You…
That courtroom sketch artist hated his guts, and I am here for it.