
I work in health care, and my female clinic supervisors told us during training that we had to take much more care with men because they faint easier, can’t handle pain as well and are much more emotional and need more coddling. It’s absolutely true. I left my last office space because my male landlord would not stop

A tv program did an experiment where the hooked men up to this machine that would contract their muscles so they could experience the pains of childbirth.

And if you’re a female POC,  forget it. You’re supposed to march on your two broken legs with your head held high, inspiring all us white women or whatever.

So between this and the persistent myth that black people don’t feel pain like white people do, I can only come to the conclusion that doctors think white men are the most sensitive and fragile.

This is a scientific study. You’re citing an anecdote.

i refuse to give a single fuck whenever hubz is sick, i don’t believe he is in even 1/10 of the pain he pretends to be in.

And just imagine if we compared “Samantha” with “Zendaya”!

I think they should all enter to “Sister Suffragette” from Mary Poppins.

It’s one of my life goals to educate people on the complexity of this issue, because you hear one of two stories, either “hey suffragists were racist!” or “hey they got everyone the right to vote!”
In reality, the Seneca Falls wave of suffragists were early supporters of extending the vote to black men, as well as

People don’t help, though.  They will, however, join in on ganging up on women.

I can’t fathom how people are behaving at work in a way that leaves them this paranoid.

True and I don’t mean to discount the comfort of peer groups. Although most people use a filter of some sort no matter who they are around. But I’d like to hear these guys outline exactly the kind of behaviour that they are afraid could land them, unjustly, in trouble at work. That survey mentioned said that 2/3 of

Are we shocked at all that men have managed to make #metoo about their plight? Even the most well intentioned people alllivesmatter feminism. This complete bullshit about how feminism needs to address men’s body issues, the abuse men face at work, toxic masculinity. No one sees someone say “save the rainforest” and

Man. All kinds of thoughts swirling around in my head.

So, let me make sure that I’ve got this right. Men won’t mentor women, because they feel like they cannot be themselves around them? Got it.

I can’t fathom how people are behaving at work in a way that leaves them this paranoid. What are people saying/doing to their colleagues or juniors that they feel could be misconstrued? It is more likely that people like this are not used to monitoring/modifying their own behaviour like most of us (usually have to) do

Someone should explain to these assholes that by deliberately excluding women they are discrimination case waiting to happen. When a boss only meets with male colleagues that’s illegal too. The same way if they only met with white colleagues. Is it sad that this is reminding for the interview scene in “On the Basis of

I’ve heard some guys say this as well.

This is unfortunate but it’s one of those unforeseen consequences that occurs when the rubber of an idea hits the road of reality.

Anyone who is worried about being alone with women should be immediately fired as an harassment risk.