If it makes you feel better, real Abbi is 34.
If it makes you feel better, real Abbi is 34.
I’m older than the “Broad City” version of Abbi, but am younger than the real-life version of Abbi! This makes me feel... not particularly old, or young.
My biggest laugh was Ilana’s response of “I’m like actually hurt , I don’t think I can climb up the ladder and film at the same time!”
I really enjoyed it. The least plausible thing to me is that a person as outgoing as Ilana would only have 213 followers. Maybe people unfollowed her for oversharing.
I should have a say in whether he gets a vasectomy by that flawless logic.
The “he’s just a kid” arguments fall on deaf ears when the kid is black and shot dead. It should not apply here. Even at 12 my kid knew better because he’s not an asshole.
Kids become adults at 18. If he is not quite there he will be soon. Time to gtfu.
“I’m sorry you caught me.”
Yet another “I wish I had not gotten called out for my actions. I was under the impression as a well-to-do white male I could do whatever I wanted.”
I know he’s just a kid but fuck him and his victimhood. He knew exactly what he was doing and has zero remorse.
There’s also EVEN MORE video showing them taunting women, calling them “sluts” and hollering “MAGA.” Oh, AND one kid yells, “it’s not rape if she likes it!” CHARMING.
I can see why she’s your ex.
I had that same thought: he’ll end up at a conservative, religious college...and that he will be anathema and shunned by some for the rest of his life, but be able to cocoon himself in racist/evangelical circles.
Yeah, this was not the face of “I was just trying to calm things down”. This is the face of a jackass who thinks he’s always right because his parents have always told him that he’s always right and better than those people.
“Pretty White Victim Machine” by Nine Millimeter Penises
of course, apologists and PR firms to the rescue of a white boy. god forbid his future be ruined. F-ck that. The look on his face says it all. As a woman, I’ve seen that from a man in other contexts, but the sentiment: disrespect, devaluing, smug entitlement, does not change. I won’t let their attempts to save this…
The giant bottom prop was ludicrous and divine. I just rewatched it and loved Josh saying “I’ll do it myself!”
“We Tapped That Ass” is a shockingly good song and dance number, along with being hilarious. Especially the “big finish” (please not on her chest), which is just cool as hell.
I’m so Team Nathaniel and so not Team Greg that my heart hurt during that scene :(
Paula’s spiel at the beginning was pure gold: