
That’s the thing about all these conversations about whether or not we should accept back these fuckers after some nebulous period of “time out” from public life - it presupposes that there’s no one else with sufficiently good (or better!) talent that we could direct our attention to. It all focuses on the tragic loss

Did you notice her leg muscles?

Trying to do that in a society that increasingly vilifies & assumes that all men are born predatory bullies . . .

Now there are, neatly tallied, 423,000 people who shouldn’t breed.

I was just joking when I called you a bitch and threatened to come over to your house and kill your cat because you re-tweeted a razor commercial. GOD STOP BEING SO SENSITIVE!”

Oh, man, Old Spice bringing Bruce Campbell and Terry Crews back to tell men not to be shitty is an ad campaign I can get behind 100%.

Woah, that really got to you. You put together a burner for this?

Dood here.  All’s I’m saying is that I shaved using Gillette products today and I immediately grew a uterus and had my first period. They not only took my manhood away, but they went the full 180 and girl-ified me. Now I’m sitting here trying to figure out exactly where I pee from and binge-watching ‘Sex and the

You used a lot of words to say “I think women are the problem”

“Broflakes” brings me joy out of all this “wait, why can’t I be a complete dick anymore?” stupidity. Star for you.

I’m sorry I made fun of your nonsensical post Holly. 

It drives me fucking crazy that men rage at women for supposedly ignoring what they deal with trying to “man up” - including the expectation to experience physical violence as a rite of passage...and they’re angry at this.

It’s amazing how far MRAs will go to make themselves look like the caricature of men they pretend not to be.

Lol I thought the same thing. How is society silencing you from raising your own kids? If society and pop culture have a bigger impact on your child’s upbringing, you’re doing something wrong. 

They won’t admit they are afraid of losing the status quo. So they couch it in whataboutism and faux concern. 

What world do you live in where the issues you raised are not influenced by society’s expectation of femininity and beauty. There is nothing wrong with femininity or masculinity. We are inviting men to discuss how societal roles place undue pressures on them. But you will rather bury your heads in the sand. 

Why are you people always singling out men?

Delicate broflakes... as far as the eye can see. I really enjoy how apparently the basic tenant of “true” masculinity is apparently to be as pathetically over-sensitive and outright desperate for attention as possible, while accusing everyone else of the same damn thing. Men Men Men Men Meeeeeeeen!

The Gillette ad and the APA tried to put men’s wellbeing at the forefront of our national conversation. But a lot of men would rather keep their tendency to homicidality, suicidality, sexual abuse than lose any of their power. 

As noted, this is ultimately a strategic gambit of creating controversy to sell products, i.e., one more example of the cynicism at the core of capitalism.