
There’s no point in watching a trailer for a show I know I’m going to watch, but I’m very happy Doom Patrol will be back soon.

Ah well, at least I’ll have the memories...

Two things can be true:

No need to go to an Asian grocer because the seasoning called “Accent Flavor Enhancer", available in every grocery store, is just MSG.

I just looked at words for about 4 minutes.

What did I just read.

Papa Murphy’s is the most disgusting takeout pizza I’ve ever had. It’s worse than almost all frozen pizzas, too. I don’t understand how people can say they like it.

I like NY pizza. I like Chicago pizza. I like Italian pizza. I like California pizza. I like Pizza Hut, Papa John’s and Little Caesars. I like DiGiorno

Blizzard is known for not inventing anything, but taking an existing genre and creating an excellent experience. Warcraft was not the first RTS, but it was excellent one. World of Warcraft was not the first MMORPG, but it’s an excellent one.  Diablo is about the closest they came to “creating” a genre, but it certain

Well, that’ll teach ME to load AV Club at work.

The original draft of this list was 16 items long. Cutting was painful. Even my editorial pull could not save UW-Madison.

OK sorry but WHAT THE FUCK??? Ohio? Minnesota? Penn State? University of Wisconsin, Madison folks, no comparison.

Except the cases/deaths ratio is staying relatively the same across the world. So this conspiracy theory regarding China is precisely that, a conspiracy.

McDonald’s Pizza

Nah the Whedon cut is a Jimmy Johns sandwich.  Problematic for different reasons 

Now playing


In the end, the only one who has to sacrifice himself is Tony Stark

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you are incorrect sir. Given that we love potatoes, but do not have potatoes of ample size to make the fries we love. It is clearly time for the Rise of the Tot!

And with Trump’s planned tariffs on all things French, this is about to get worse.

I'm not really buying it. Like the whole - See! This one lawmaker said one thing I didn't like now I have to vote for Trump - thing.