
I remember eating Mealworms, didn’t taste bad but the exoskeleton got caught in my throat and teeth. 

I have a feeling the marketing overstates the importance of the moments that were added. 

They are changing the chocolate... Should be better then the homeopathic chocolate flavor they had last time.

I wonder what the people who have been spending money on DC Universe will think of it...

Problem wasn’t Speedy, it was all the other mice. 

It isn’t doing well in Asia... granted no movie will do well in Asia right now.

It was going to be the number one news story when it broke on September 11 2001, but something pushed it out of the news. 

Same thing I am a vegetarian my fiance eats meat, she almost always gets my meal placed in front of her.

Place closed down right when they sent a 20 dollar gift certificate for my birthday.

Also turned out the whole “unspeakable evil” thing was try to destroy a cloud that was causing all mutants to die horribly against the wishes of the Inhumans who needed it to gain superpowers.

Also they now have a young Spider-Man who is popular and can now have original Spider-Man grow up and become an adult...

I think that might be on Vulcan, Why else would Tevok be there?

There are some animals that it kind of works for. Webspinners have the silk glands in their arms and velvet worms spray their prey with goop. (there is one spider that spits a combo of silk and venom from its venom glands that eats other spiders as well)

Made just for the joke...

Well they could do a Miles Morales movie....

Took Girlfriend to see Shape of Water, she didn’t like the cat scene but soldered on. That weekend we decided to watch Stranger Things Season 2...

And Shawshank Redemption

Looks like Hank Pam shrunk himself really small between movies!

Deadpool shows that February isn’t as dead as was once thought.

I miss those breadtangles of Pizza.