
Actually been a very good year for video games.

Heard the depressing 99% invisible about the Memphis Forrest statue today... Checked the news to see if there is any progress and discovered it was moved last night.

Realized this when they didn’t release the compromising information they had on banks for fear of reprisal.

The Hydra infiltration of SHIELD was the bigger twist.

Do remember that Dinosaur essentially used the same techniques

That plus people who knew him never really heard anything good about Weinstein. He was most well known for really annoying Oscar campaigns and being an asshole, so the next step was not too far.

Actually Fate is very much a tool kit so it suggests ways of making up new skills and abilities.

Isn’t that just One More Day?

Unlimited isn’t too bad, you end up spending 6 or so dollars a month to read all of the released comics plus a large amount of older stories. The only issue is the fact that the comics added are usually six months old so you are not sure if you are helping the books at all.

I like Codenames but I usually freeze and overthink clues.

Hey once you get your first win after 5 or 6 plays you feel great!

Early on there was some good stuff on there, they did faqs and I remember having one of my questions answered by Peter Jackson soon after Lord of the Rings was announced.

Worth it for the Werner Herzog quote about penises.

Isn’t the villain the vigilante serial killer?

It has been happening for a while, I remember them complaining about Facebook because it caused word of mouth to go too fast.

Yep I am fairly sure Dali would be honestly fine with this.

I think I saw part of a documentary that tramatized me about it. They were bot flies which are bad but not a squicky as normal guys in rotten flesh.

Misty loosing her arm, said on the internet a moment where everyone cheered then felt bad about it.

Remember watching the anime and being surprised at the end of the first episode was at the point that I thought the series would get to after 12+ episodes.