
Machine Man is better than Deadpool.

But Nextwave taught so many wholesome values...

Is it because Mark Millar licks goats?


It’s weird that people keep using phrases that are really only relevant in the criminal law context. “Innocent until proven guilty” “beyond a reasonable doubt”, etc., We’re not talking about throwing him in jail here, we’re talking about actors choosing not to work with him because they think there may be some merit

Of all the misses, I’d say ramen shops are the one we’re making up the most ground on.  They seem to be everywhere these days.  Ramen and poke.

FANPERSONS: Comic book movies don’t need to be callous, effects-laden spectacles made in a factory to print money for the studios! They can be artistic! They can be dramas, with as much to say about the human condition as any Oscar bait film! They should be considered seriously in the cultural conversation!

Well, there’s Gangsta rap in the background, so I’d say 50-cent percent.

Brilliant to see the AV Club commentariat is now composed of people bravely standing up for men who rape 13-year-olds everywhere. How dare the rest of us care about such silly nonsense, when we could be concerned with FILM.

Oh, I dunno, the preachier-than-a-Christian holier-than-thou in-your-face three-bong-hit saviors of the earth who cannot abide someone enjoying a chicken sandwich in their presence without busting out a lecture?

And exactly what sort of person spends their time whining and complaining about vegans every chance they get in response to every article or comment that includes even the mere mention of a vegan because they have some bizarre, obsessive problem with the fact that some people prefer to not consume animal products?

Just today I was looking through his autobiographical comic about him and his wife's cats. It's hilarious because it's just about him being weirded out by cats while being drawn exactly the same as his horror manga.

Not true just ask my financial adviser Zoidberg

The Phantom Menace Fun Fact #1: When the trailer for this first arrived, I was so desperate to see it that I went to the local cineplex and bought a ticket to The Waterboy just because I’d heard it was playing in front of that film. Spoiler: It wasn’t, although I did hear the crowd in the theater next door, which was

I think Portman is one of those actors who needs a strong director (or perhaps just a vested interest, faith in the script etc). She’s great in the right film but all too often just cruises on autopilot. Jennifer Lawrence is the same.

After perusing your past comments, this is far from the first time you went after someone’s weight. I suppose your comments, which also include sexist and misogynistic material, are meant to perpetuate the “edgelord” mentality you are striving to achieve, and that by playing contrarian, people will notice you more.

Pop off with the BS about “well actors can play ANYTHING if they’re TALENTED!”

I ate at this place once and I really think the fire is the work of the divine trying to close this place down and protect our souls. 

What’s kept Netflix’s Marvel superheroes from really being super?