
Controversial winner as it dethroned long time champion Doctor Who. 

DO NOT go around touching strangers! Just don’t do it. I don’t care about what the power dynamic of the situation appears to be if you don’t know them in that way do not touch them regardless of how innocuous you think it is...

So that’s what the deal is? Chastain is playing an asparagus lady?

It’s a real thing. Your GI system isn’t constantly producing all of the enzymes it possibly can, all of the time. If you stop eating a specific food for which you need an enzyme, the results can be catastrophic. And really fucking gross. 

I’m a vegetarian, know plenty of vegans, and have never bashed a meat eater nor tried to change their mind. Nor have I experienced any preaching from a vegan. However, I have had MANY meat eaters get butt hurt over my personal choice, which does not denigrate THEIR personal choice. Me being a lesbian is not a comment

I obviously haven’t been keeping an official tally, but in my lifetime I feel like I’ve heard and read (no hyperbole) 100 gripes about vegans for every 1 gripe from a vegan. This idea that “they” are always somehow proselytizing and chastising us meat eaters, loudly enough that they need to “shut the hell up,” is such

A friend of mine has Alpha-Gal Syndrome (a SEVERE red meat allergy from tick bites, which is becoming more popular) and this would have had her hospitalized, if not worse.

I know people think they’re cute and funny, commenting about indignant vegans (even so, stop lambasting people for their dietary choices), but ANY

Ron Howard has also gone on record that he (and many other A-list directors) were offered the director’s chair by George for Ep. 1. I’m paraphrasing, but I believe Howard’s words were “I don’t think any of us wanted to try following the Original Trilogy.”

I’m gonna come out and say it: I liked 4E more than 3.5/Pathfinder. 4E it's underrated. 

Honestly barely follow Star Wars...but this is basically Nazi cosplay that is ‘acceptable’ right?

Is it anything that new? People have been lining the blocks of movie houses for well over a century. I have no interest in seeing this movie, but it’s just the same type of spirit people have had for as long as the cinema has existed. If anything it is less and less common these days.

Can't wait for the episode where we find out what would happen if Dazzler became the herald of Galactus.

Wait, there are post-credits scenes?

Because it’s so boring as to border on torture. I get why people want to see something when they are told they are not allowed to see it, but the movie really just isn’t very good, and I can’t imagine a lot of kids enjoying it when there will be so many better options available to them on the service.

The court hearing this should require him to appear in person.

Can I just say I love how incensed militant carnivores get about this shit? I’m not vegetarian so I have no dog in this fight but I just love watching people get super riled up and take these absurd principled stands about the food other people eat. “How date you impugn the hamburger by trying to associate it with

Not necessarily. Words evolve over time to encompass whatever definition, and variations of, that society applies to them. Look up what “burger” means. Not “hamburger”, but just burger.

Or how about...HOW ABOUT...we call them whatever the fuck we want? I know, it’s a very intriguing proposition.

Isn’t Nakia also expressing discontent with the system? And her approach is basically the one he actually goes with. 

I’ll give kudos to Into the Spider-Verse for handling the idea of Peter and MJ divorcing with far more maturity than the comics ever did...