
Agreed. They should make a major motion picture in order to *reads notes* shame a female comic book writer. 

One of my favorite hobbies when I’m completely bored or traveling is to look at Yelp reviews of theme parks. Disneyland in particular has people CONSTANTLY complaining that it’s pricy and that there are lines.

The Dormammu “battle” in Dr Strange is excellent. I remember literally shock laughing in the theater when I realized where exactly they were going with it.

Maybe- I don’t know- Gambit just sucks as a character?

Also, AV Club has talked about Alita a whole bunch AND gave it a higher review grade than Captain Marvel.

And yet, somehow, after Jesus built the table, there were still several screws left over, despite the fact that using metal screws as fasteners was never documented before the 15th century.

There is no way that would not look 10 times worse

I knew Cronenberg would get one eventually!

Let’s be clear: People have always loved being weirdly pushy about very stupid things. Seriously, try interacting with a homeowner’s association or a co-op board some time, or maybe just attending the public comment portion of your local city council meetings.

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I’d also add the teaser trailer for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Brilliant trailer. Just check out some of the reaction videos. Such a crazy movie concept yet people are hyped!

Look, I’m not a fan of comic book movies, and I’m a film snob, and hell, just look at my name and avatar, but even I rolled my eyes a bit when Hawke invoked Bergman and Bresson.

Captain America putting an almighty smackdown on the Punisher for being an anti-hero was pretty great, too. Unless you you were just referring to what came from the Goliath story-line. 

Watchmen has one stone-cold classic sequence - Those opening credits. Everything else is “meh.,” but those credits really nail the themes of the comic.

I don’t even concede that her character sucked.

The lesbian scene even passes the Bechdel test.

Nah, the Spider-Man sequel that’s already in production will just be two hours of (half of) Peter Parker’s family and classmates crying over an empty casket.

Oh no, we’re entering into the Clone Saga.

Oh man, I knew the Kinjafication would bring in a bunch of idiots here, but seriously... We’re already on the third variation of “BUT IM WHITE WHAT ABOUT MY FEELS?”

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This scene from Season 2 of Rick and Morty is pretty funny.