
Kill him with his spinny toy thing!

Curt Conners mixed his DNA, with Peter's and shoved it into a sample of the Venom Symbote.

Isn't it Cwarnage in the Ultimate Universe?

Agent Venom was surprisingly fun, could work four or five years down the road if the actor playing Flash is good.

Also Kang is part of Fantastic Four group of villains.

whats wrong with the Phantom? He is a white Black Panther in bright purple. I can't see anything wrong with that!

No it was the annoying asshole,in charge of Marvel who doesn't do anything with the movies anymore.

So mutant Hitler destroyed a part of a cloud that was killing thousands of people…wait a sec…

Saw the Rifftrax version and was surprised how bad it was. I remember thinking it was mediocre but not so actively embarrassing.

Are they going to do any of the sort of interesting stuff in the comics with the history of the

Just make sure that you don't force your pets into being vegetarian. My fridge has bags of frozen chicks in it to feed to my carnivorous snake.

I find it funny that Trump is such a big fan of bringing coal back when he also lessened/is lessening restrictions on drilling and fracking, coals biggest competitors.

Mayor: Drebin, I don't want anymore trouble like you had last year on the South Side. Understand? That's my policy.

Now right wing people are calling him a failed art student that railed against privilege that wasn't there…. Almost as annoying as the whole "socialist" thing with the Nazis.

At the Hitler building?

Whole Foods has fake meat that costs 5+ dollars for 10 oz, you can get veggie chorizo at Trader Joe's for 2 dollars for 14 oz. The chorizo is one of the better fake meat have tried and tastes good on almost anything.

Yep, and I only know one person who owns a dairy cows..

Yep and Trump is getting rid of regulations on drilling and fracking to help the coal miners… wait a sec.

That was the "pants to be darkened" pilot for a Wonder Woman series staring Adrianne Palicki. Fans were sad it wasn't picked up until it was leaked online… It was horrible, Wonder Woman torturing people to get information, running a massive corporation to fund her vigilante actions and complains about the law only

As someone who works as a lab tech in an animal lab just want to clear up some things…
1. 95% of all research animals are mice and rats, experiments with these animals requires written proposals and requires a committee to vote on the experiment. All other mammals are covered by the Animal Welfare Act which