
Not today where breakdown a McDonalds and setting a car on fire is a massive Riot.

Its the term when an animal is killed as part of the experiment.

Don't forget his board game! Which was a massive failure and pushed back acceptance of more complex board games in America for about ten years!

Also it was supposedly done by Kubrik… he would not have the bad lighting…

Bubble Jug is back! In Mexican sand form!

He read four websites! That is research!

Didn't the Bush shows get cancelled quickly?

Don't want to look bad to the other people brought in or the microphone guy. Also they had 45 minutes of footage to edit together.

Always see them before movies… seem even more annoying on the big screen.

Joss was already working on some post production stuff, I think his strength with characters and Snyder's visuals could work really well together…

It sucks that they are remaking Scarface! They wouldn't dare do this before!

"Why is Venom just a guy who gets his powers from the venom toxin pumped into his blood… It looks like I am wearing a Luchador mask!"

He is a hero now, Flash has the symbotes and that got some therapy on its home planet.

Usually the Vulture is 40 plus years older then Spider-Man.

One of my favorites when I was a kid. I avoided most of his 90s comics but played a lot of Marvel vs Capcom, which animates him in a neat fluid shapeshifty way that doesn't appear in the comic.

Mania, the teenage girl with the clone of the venom symbiote is called Mania.

Make me miss going to Madison and finding a paper copy of the Onion everywhere on state street

Sad thing is they could have sold them as protein bars and it wouldn't have been so bad, but calling them ThinkThin…

There is Paperinik who has the whole speech impdament situation.

Please be good … please be good… I am essentially a Marvel Zombie but this needs to be good.