
To be fair Roleplaying games are a lot more diverse nowadays. Pathfinder and DnD 5e have characters of all races and sexualities. The newest edition of Exalted has a Middle Eastern transman on the cover.

Sounds like the Bingo casino that opened near here, lots of bingo machines that are hooked up to massive networks of users and the display and prizes just so happen to look exactly like slot machines.

Fucking Bone Ripper from Nothing But Trouble, caught it on tv when I was young scared me for some reason.

I remember taking a parisitology course in college, it was right before lunch. Lost some weight that year.

Does voice acting in all newer Disney animated movies count?

what is with that movie and sex….

Mephisto, They changed a lot of the Satans in the comic to other demons to deal with their different personalities. Also it was the 80s and people were afraid of satanists.

::looks at the newest Vision miniseries::
Um in the comics it really doesn't go well…

It could have a creepy ending where after she kills him she gets lonely after a year…

Wait so men are from the place that still might have life while women are from a 850 degree hellscape?

Sounds like they took the rabbit to the pet facility and was kept in a room with some dogs. That would cause any rabbit to get over stressed.

Check out Warren Ellis's run on it. Surprisingly good.

Loved it when they ran into the Runaways, lots of great quotes plus you see Molly just rip Cloak's cloak off.

New guy is kind of a cross between the two.

That was one of the best things about Kalan being head writer, on the podcast he just throws out random references. He can go from pre code Hollywood cinema to obscure Marvel minutia to obscure foreign films in seconds.

Final episode had Tom killing all of his clones but it constantly turned out the Tom pushing the button was already a clone… It is at the level of running gag.

That and the fact that it is HD doesn't help.

Yep read the scriptment in the 90s so I knew what was coming. Watched it as a pulpy cheesy story and enjoyed it.

A friend and I were thinking about watching a movie… All of the interesting films one of us had seen so we found the one movie that neither of us had watched. This is how I saw Master of Disguise in the theater.

High ratings are important because they set the amount of money they can charge advertisers… if you can't get advertisers high ratings do not mean anything.