
It was weird seeing it in the Flash credits…

::looks at Netflix Marvel series::
Well they don't show breasts nor say the word Fuck but there is enough over the top violence to secure that raiting. Still find it weird that Kilgrave is in the same universe as Howard the Duck and Ant-Man.

His essay on proudly farting was one of the most important pieces of litterature from early America!

Have to admit the Kingpin stuff in Ultimate Spider-Man would work really well in a live action movie. Have the Enforcers show up, hire Smythe to make spider slayers…

Although it is creepy for a friend to mention that he bookmarked all of his other friends pages on OkCupid.

Riots is a weird word these days, the worst riots in the US last year essentially burned a couple cars and vandalized a McDonalds….

Kidney and liver has the whole fact they are used to break apart waste products which is sort of gross on one level.

::checks internet::

The sequel serial had the introduction of one of the great Batman villians… Gabe.

Having the Riddler reform as a competing private detective was brilliant. Annoyed it was undone later.

Depends on the Lantern, Guy has some opinions on Batman.

It then pans over to Paul Dini and Bruce Timm dressed as Harley and Joker…

I remember walking out of Man of Steel thinking it was an okay Hyperion/Supreme movie. It looked but didn't feel like Superman.

It was made to give people protein while they wait in bunkers after Nukes hit, that alone makes it more fun.

They just figured out how to make it, I have a feeling we will be seeing frozen impossible burgers in grocery stores for 5 dollars for 4 in five years or so.

Batman does have a ape he fights, Mod Gorilla Boss.

Great Job!

So will Link Link have to deal with Like Likes in this game?

Well if Ditko stayed on the book…

Loved the scene from the Oath, they also took part the cloak's personally from that, it is only a couple panels but there is a comment how the cloak likes to hide in certain places and later in the scene it just slithers sheepishly in the room during another scene.