
Well black bolt would be a great character in the mold of Chrono or Link…

because then they didn't have to worry about things like logic when designing the levels.It is all apart of his Murderworld thing.

Have to wonder the character creation for Sauron…
"How about the name Saur-on for the dinosaur man?"
"Isn't that from those Lord of the Ring books?"
"um….that is where he got the name…. He was a fan of Tolken"
"that works"

I spit upon this frail crazed world! I spit upon the second law of thermodynamics!

You go to Milwaukee and get Culver’s? You do know about Copps right…

Are you complaining about this? Shorts are the best part!

Also almost all of it is cardboard covered with Marzapan.

Hey she is cool, even if she will steal all of your stuff.

::Jubilee turns around looking depressed::

1984 had someone try to explain to me that "politicaly correct" speech is an example of Newspeak… was frustrating.

Have a friend who is a super taster she prefers drink bottled water from a specific location. Only one brand in a certain size.

The River Ankh is probably the only river in the universe on which the investigators can chalk the outline of the corpse. (MA)

I think the only time I get bottled water is when I go to the gym and forget a water bottle.

Definitely a like the company, hate the product going on here. Their black Friday stunts and Holiday packs are entertaining enough. They did open up the market for better games like Superfight but there now are other games trying to be like CoH, even ones that it hurts the actual game. Example Codenames after dark,

Well Junior seems about light enough to be a good villain for them.

Wonder if we will ever see a Secret Six movie.

Come on, its obvious why they needed an insane psychiatrist to join the black ops team…

Didn't they get the guys who edited the trailer to do the editing after the positive reaction? Essentially changing the editing team that late with a team that might not have done a big budget movie.

::now imagines an Eye Eye lemur with a light saber::

That whole not voting against the torture ban thing kind of made me loose any respect I had for McCain.