Muqaddimah (call me Muck)

This seems like a good idea for someone like me. I have discovered I like the idea of onion rings more than the reality. They smell awesome, and the first 4 or 5 taste awesome, but the enjoyment curve drops off precipitously after that. (I have found that I have the same issue with mini donuts.) So, a fries/rings

That’s the thing though - from what I can see, the phrase is being used in a light and humourous way. When someone on Twitter asks a question like this, then even I have to admit that shit’s pretty funny:

I found that rather jarring myself. My first thought was: what does “serving cunt” mean, anyway? I wondered whether the c-word was simply used in place of “women.” Surely not? As in, the suit would not only keep the wearer alive, but would also serve the women who would be wearing it, because (unlike the old suits) it

And we’re somehow surprised that over and over again, they occasionally blow up in our faces when they’re not supposed to...

He is lawfully permitted to carry a concealed firearm

Not sure whether you’re joking, but it’s pronounced “sky”, apparently.

As far as fandoms go, I’ll take Swifties over NFL folk every time.

Hi, Papoo; nice to hear from you. A fine weekend to you as well.

the Chanel pink and black cover art of her riding a horse with a bejeweled festival headband

..and honestly, the Bible is pretty clear about God being mocked...

Wait a beat after he leaves his partner of over ten years

True; it’s really just gossip, isn’t it? I guess you figure it’s just a coincidence you read it in a gossip column. A gossip column called Dirt Bag. A gossip column called Dirt Bag that you clicked on and read. You see where I’m going with this?

having a nice well manicured lawn is very nice

Have you considered having less grass? What do you do with all that lawn? What might you do with all those newfound hours of freedom if you got rid of it? (I’m not being a dick, I’m sincerely interested.)

It was just a little gun.”

I had no idea that people actually liked the prevalence of videos on the internet.

If you have absolutely no extra space where you live, then yeah, storage can be an issue if you have to pay for it. But the cost of the twice a year tire change can be nothing if you just do it yourself. It takes, like, half an hour.

What the hell is going on in that police station that someone needs a jumbo-sized roll of toilet paper on their desk?

Most people do not read to the end of the title