Muqaddimah (call me Muck)

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of what’s going on here and how blogs function.

No, we don’t have a budget to buy twenty comm units and test them against each other, and even if we did, it wouldn’t get anywhere near enough clicks to justify the purchase. Jalopnik is not Consumer Reports. Cardo sent me a unit,

I think the cops do make a reasonable point that it’s very hard to use lethal force accurately on a moving subway car.

But the $3.90 fare!  If some passerby doesn’t get shot in the head over that, would this even be America anymore?

I’m the farthest thing from a police apologist but...

He’s no fool — for all the scrutiny he gets from Congress it’s a smart move to play friendly/patriotic and drive a domestic. I’m sure he has an amazing stable of other toys as well. 

I can’t watch the video while at work, but CBS summed up the video and they do not mention him lunging toward the officer.

Robots love cars, too.

*Starts simulation*

I mean, did you even watch that video?

I’d make a joke about their shooting simulator being called FATS, but I don’t go for the low-hanging donut.

Why didn’t the officer that was hit in the armpit return fire and kill his attacker?

Look at the books little Tammy is holding - way past her reading level.

Can’t wait until they bring the simulator to the public, and the public overwhelmingly looks the other way and ignores the people evading fare. When the choices are “let someone jump the turnstiles” or “open fire in a crowded, confined space,” the answer is obvious to everyone except the goddamn police.

Imagine doing this instead of just not shooting innocent people.

I guess you get to enjoy the cooked by electricity lobsters?

Now playing

But what if it starts sinking and you’re surrounded by sharks?

This is smart. They could even just wire a Li-Ion battery directly into the car’s electrical system and give you a physical switch to connect it in the event you need to jump. That would eliminate the risk of incorrect connections, which often damage the car’s electrical system and even injure people.

This better make all of the news.  This was one of Trumps October Surprises and it got resolved in days.  This is massive.

It always is.