the Chanel pink and black cover art of her riding a horse with a bejeweled festival headband
the Chanel pink and black cover art of her riding a horse with a bejeweled festival headband
..and honestly, the Bible is pretty clear about God being mocked...
Wait a beat after he leaves his partner of over ten years
having a nice well manicured lawn is very nice
Have you considered having less grass? What do you do with all that lawn? What might you do with all those newfound hours of freedom if you got rid of it? (I’m not being a dick, I’m sincerely interested.)
“It was just a little gun.”
I had no idea that people actually liked the prevalence of videos on the internet.
If you have absolutely no extra space where you live, then yeah, storage can be an issue if you have to pay for it. But the cost of the twice a year tire change can be nothing if you just do it yourself. It takes, like, half an hour.
What the hell is going on in that police station that someone needs a jumbo-sized roll of toilet paper on their desk?
Most people do not read to the end of the title
“The question presented in this case is not whether prohibiting the possession of firearms by someone subject to a domestic violence restraining order is a laudable policy goal,” Circuit Judge Cory T. Wilson wrote. “The question is whether…a specific statute that does so is constitutional”
Well, I got news for you: painkillers will get you high no matter your age
Yep. And I can’t get over that extremely spartan steering wheel - looks more like 1963 than 1983.
It seems everyone here is pretty quick to shit on this, but if you think about it for a minute, it makes sense.
You’re not wrong. Plenty of catchers I have known are right up there with pitchers.
Yeah, I suspect that once the grind of med school and residency is finished and she’s established in her career, she’s might find she wants more than a loyal-but-simple “good boy” to greet her when she gets home.
Of course there’s no question that there are some dumb pitchers in baseball. However, in my many years around the game, I have far more often found that if there’s a really smart guy on the team, he’s way more likely to be a pitcher.
It’s saying many women of that generation saw their husbands briefly in the morning, sent them off to work, then saw them again at dinner - and that worked. Having to spend all day with their newly-retired husbands was not something all of them welcomed. It’s kinda cynical and definitely a stereotype, but there’s some…