
Still not as big of a pussy as Jim Spanfeller is, amirite?!?!?

Dang, I feel a bit let down. This entry felt downright tame. Of course, I don’t think anything could top last year’s Fucktomb. I’d say this was the best dig that I don’t remember seeing in previous entries in some variation:

Wow, he’s really lucky, because, while they take drug offenses super-seriously in New Hampshire, they recently repealed the death penalty. Not only that, but hanging was still on the books in NH as one of the possible means of execution, until earlier this year! So, he won’t have to worry about mobs of people

Like most people, they criticize in others what they secretly despise about themselves, you fat asshole. 

After handling a 3 year old all day, your energy for grandstanding about protesting fast food protests is rather diminished.

I’m just telling you how it is, no artifice or bullshit.

but merely encouraged so players could “demonstrate their appreciation to the RCAF”

You’re right. It was rude not to address you directly. Here’s a great place to start:

Thank you for not breeding.

Where do I get a Panda E. Pass? I think k need one. 

Yeah, I totally agree. The high road has been working so well lately.

This blog is going to experience the GMG equivalent of being ratio’d on Twitter, as it should, because it’s dumb and wrong. We can both call him Moscow Mitch and fight him on substantive issues—even simultaneously! Imagine that!

“It embodies everything I hate about the great RUSSIA freakout”

Is anyone surprised that the people who love to “tell it like it is” and rail against “political correctness” are the first to curl up in a little ball when somebody says some mean words to them?

Counter-counterpoint, we’re not talking about CO2 we’re talking about nitrogen oxides and particulates which are extremely toxic to humans. we’re not talking about greenhouse gases we’re talking about things that literally kill human beings when they are inhaled

Your mom

Shocking. I always figured guys who bought Dodge Demons were totally zen and would only go to tracks after journaling their feelings and embracing their inner children, and then only to help others there self-actualize their potential. This comes as a great surprise.

You’re misremembering it. That was an episode of The Apprentice.