
Did you.... watch the episode?  He mentions that a lot of law enforcement officers cite watching Law and Order as a major portion of their law enforcement education and training.

I have a GrooveLife ring and I ordered a size too big.  They had me mail the larger ring back to them.  They gave me specific instructions to put it in a normal envelope with standard postage.  Granted it was a silicone ring, but I wonder if the USPS gets upset with GL.

Don’t confuse politeness with empathy. A person can smile, open a door for you, and tell you to “have a nice day don’t-cha-know” while still being a self-centered bigot.

Since 3D has basically gone away, can someone science a way to have them constantly displayed on the screen, but only visible when wearing some sort of passive filter lenses?  That would make it universal and also prevent someone from complaining when they accidentally walk into a movie with subtitles.

Right?  It reminded me of Leia’s role in TLJ.  Hey look I’m a female main character, might as well spend the entire movie in a coma/hospital bed.

Right?!  As if the alternative was to say “My client wasn’t going to college anyway, so lock his ass up for good”

So, uh, did it work?  Or does this stuff have a transit time?

It took a pandemic for car executives to sit down and finally watch Season 8 of The Office? Obviously those cheap cars were their “oatmeal cookies”.

As a millenial who saw the original in the theater as a 12 year old with a bunch of his 12 year old friends, I think it did an adequate job hitting the right nostalgia notes. The corny one liners are both awesome and ridiculous, and the special effects and fight choreography entertained me more than I expected.  I’d

I work for a company that has a “First Move Forward” policy.  It typically means parking in such a way that your first motion in a vehicle is forward.  This means pulling through when appropriate or backing in if no other option is available.  The only time we are allowed to go against that is like in a directionally

That’s an early candidate for COTY right there

Does anyone honestly think he would sign off on stimulus checks for poor people if he knew any of that was his money being distributed?

so a 6th gen iPad can do it but the 10.5 inch iPad Pro cannot?

Please let it be because they are draining inventory ahead of a Powerbeats Pro 2 launch with IPX8 and ANC

Please let it be because they are draining inventory ahead of a Powerbeats Pro 2 launch with IPX8 and ANC

But they also used Staying Alive in The Office. If it cost that much, wouldn’t the writer have noted that one as well?

Talking Dead cleared that up.  Beta actually stabbed another Whisperer in the neck to fire up the zombies to attack Negan.  It was the Whisperer that gave Negan a bite of the pork.

Can someone explain why the 11 can handle Night Mode shooting but the XS Max with it’s own dual camera setup cannot??

Is there something specific to the camera in the 11 that allows for Night Mode shots that they couldn’t add it via software to the XS Max?  I’d really like the night mode but I just bought this XS Max 7 months ago and I’m not ready to upgrade.

Man you are really defensive about Bitcoin...

And what exactly have you done with it?  Employment numbers for March were just revised down by a half a million jobs... a strong stock market does not equal a strong economy.  Enjoy those majorities for now.