
Scrolling down to the bottom of an article about a “fucking stupid” phenomenon you don’t watch to comment probably proves you don’t do much with your time anyways.

“I’m so fucking sick of this shit.”

Suit shopping while fat is an experience. Men’s Wearhouse calls my size the “Executive Line.”  Jos. A. Bank calls it a “Regal Fit”

My girlfriend and I snuck in a bottle of something awful like butterscotch schnapps to the new Robin Williams comedy we knew nothing about but were sure would be hilarious, and had drunk a fair amount of it by the time the previews ended.

“White Walkers HATE her! This one neat dagger trick will end the Long Night”

Chris, it is my civic duty to share this with all my friends who have annoyingly and smugly camped out for Endgame tickets to remind them that their little universe of entertainment is a sham.

I’m a Giants fan who lives in Philadelphia, next door to one bar and across the street from another. As I was yelling “No! No! No! Please no!” at my television after the Jones pick, I heard loud cheers coming in through my window from outside. But joke’s on you Eagles fans! With Jones at QB, you guys are going to beat

I’m an Eagles fan. I just realized- WE get to face Daniel Jones twice a year!

*does happy dance*

...who will say crazy things in a restaurant like “I’VE BEEN SAYING MALBECS ARE BAD FOR YEARS” and “I TOLD YOU THE WAITER WAS COMING

Actually, you do get to remove whatever you want on your own private website that you own. 

The building next door was a church holding first communion services.....

Can we focus for just a second on the more important issue: is that one of those giant 10 lb burgers on the table behind him in the header image?

The fact that, by the time these kids become legal adults, they won’t have to deal with a Trump Presidency. Not to mention that, according to life expectancy statistics, he is very likely to have died, already gives them a huge advantage for not abusing booze and drugs.

It’s not a Wild Pitch, but it’s definitely a wild pitch. I should’ve been more clear.

Not only is this the most shocking moment of Snooker I have ever seen, it is also the only moment of Snooker I have ever seen.

His name is Greyworm not Tyrone. JFC


I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that being a two time all star, being one of the two best defensive players in the league, and getting 31 pts 16 rebounds 6 blocks and 7 assists in less than 30 minutes on one bum knee and being out of shape is doing “nothing” in the NBA.

You kid.  But the Mets would ABSOLUTELY sign someone named “Thewalkingdude”.

Not as much as you have inside your three day old underwear.