This Might Be Satire

The “unlicensed” bit is a red herring. Operating a vehicle on private property without a license is not illegal, and either way, you don’t need to know how to drive a manual transmission to get a license so this could have just as easily happened to a licensed driver. From the description it was the lack of

The kid was dumb for trying to do something he wasn’t trained to do, but they hired him knowing he couldn’t drive, and they were responsible for supervising him. I am staggered that they let him drive customer cars without a license even on private property, much less manual transmission cars.

It might be for the best you can’t sue a fellow employee. In a case like this I would fully expect that the dealership/company would try to throw the worker under the bus immediately. Granted, even suing that worker would likely not yield anything meaningful since they don’t control the org nor are they usually flush

Completely tragic. But totally avoidable if there were enforced processes. 

“This is how you guys get killed out here, man.”

Right. He was referring to him not wearing a seatbelt. And he calls other human beings “you guys.” Got it.

show me the statute that says a seatbelt violation is punishable by summary execution

I actually had a police officer pull his gun on me recently when I tried to show him the valid proof of insurance cert on my phone. He told me that they put .22 caliber guns in cell phones nowadays and that he considered it a threat with a deadly weapon. He told me it was a good way to get shot. So yeah, that’s a

“The police union (as expected) ran to the defense of the officer suggesting the comment wasn’t racially motivated but instead in reference to Nicolas not wearing a seat belt”

“Give me your driver’s license, registration and insurance. If not, you will not be going to work today.”

I cheered at that line. (Well, cheered quietly, but still, I cheered.)

Longacre Square Partners, which specializes in topics like investor relations, shareholder activism, and crisis management.

When Kotaku called the store on Monday, someone answered saying that it would be open again soon and directed us to contact the communications firm Longacre Square Partners, which specializes in topics like investor relations, shareholder activism, and crisis management. A representative of the firm refused to offer

Oh, I think there’s still a market for physical games, new and pre-owned. But I definitely think that segment of consumers is shrinking. I used to be very pro-physical media, but in the past couple years have transitioned almost entirely to digital downloads. I definitely think there’s no justification for GameStop to

This really should be higher up. Middle seat is the worst seat. Let them at least have this.

These rules all come down to basically the same thing - Don’t be an asshole to other people.  That’s a basic rule of life that should be followed all the time. 

This one is a little more directed towards the ladies. But teens are not absolved here either. Anyone can be guilty but this is my own personal experience.

armrest rules of each seat position:

That last slide needs to be displayed inside some people’s eyelids for MORE than just air travel.