It’s called a character arc, as it was in TLJ.
It’s called a character arc, as it was in TLJ.
Yeah. Leia’s message is Leia in diplomatic mode, but when Luke comes into the detention block he says something like, “I’m here to rescue you. I’ve got your R2 Unit... I’m here with Ben Kenobi.” At which point she excitedly shouts, “Ben Kenobi is here! Where is he?” Which implies that her connection to Obi-Wan is more…
Of course… it will really break the canon if Obi-Wan and Vader meet at any point before A New Hope, but we’ll see how Obi-Wan Kenobi handles that.
I had the opposite reaction to the reviewer, which is naturally subjective tastes being wthat they are, in that I absolutely loved the first episode, but the second episode was staggeringly stupid and really hard to get through. Like that second episode was Boba Fett level bad for me.
And this is why I drive around with a “Beto for Texas” sticker on my car in Dallas and routinely get the bird from my “neighbors.” My southern politeness hates incivility, but damn, he is right and I am glad he has the guts to speak out to the horrible humans sitting on that stage. My fellow Texans just chose that…
We need people in all government who will fight for us, not themselves. Political parties aside, our government is turning into a huge joke, and they’re responsible for it.
It is the exact moment another shooting occurs, at which point the timer resets.
We need at least 60 more Betos in the Senate, please.
Between this and all the handwringing over peaceful protests at justices houses, wonder these fucking cowards think they need to be armed to the hilt at all times. Talk about thin-skinned cowards.
These are the motherfuckers responsible for this...
Good for Beto. Abbott is a proud member of the GOP Death Cult.
He’s not wrong.
I’m sorry to say this, but Beto is wrong in this case.
They didn’t choose to do “nothing”. THEY KEEP CHOSING TO ACTIVELY MAKE IT WORSE.
You shared your opinion and people told you it was stupid. Nobody told you to be silent. Reading comprehension is a skill worth cultivating.
Sure. But you don’t have to make it the banana’s problem. If that banana isn’t your style, you know who has to know about it, old white guy? Literally no one. Especially thousands of “ no ones” on social media. But sure, make yourself feel relevant by directly insulting a banana that’s not your “ style” because…
That’s why I referenced the per-capita stat, but Germany also has way fewer deaths per vehicle AND vehicle mile traveled anyway.
Agree with the general sentiment but Germany has around 50 million cars registered and the US has close to 280 million. That’s going to have an effect.
90mph tailgating is the norm around here.
In before all of the slippery-slope arguments... I 100% agree. I know I would not like these solutions, but we definitely should have them and if new cars came with them I would deal. We all would. This is not an attack on your freedoms.