This Might Be Satire

Tex Avery?

*Sighs in coastal elitism that expects this shit to happen in podunk states like Wisconsin*

Just make it so airlines can only sell the seats they have available and so many problems would go away.

Judging by the photo at the top of the article, you also have a right to a firm, heart-shaped butt.

How is it legal for airlines to OVERSELL their flights?

Came for pic. not disappointed. Great article.

Just don’t be an ass or a “Karen” or otherwise warrant a viral video moment when dealing with the Gate agents.

US tarmac delays are limited to 3 hours domestic, 4 hours international. Besides food and water, the airline is obligated to provide detailed information about the delay every 30 minutes. If the delay lasts longer than above, passengers have the right to deplane. Airlines who do not comply get hit with some nasty FAA

Don’t forget the most important right - the right to scream ‘I know my rights’ as you’re dragged off the plane due to being ignorant of your rights.

It’s far too easy to incorrectly imagine with an undamaged brain what must make sense in the behavior of one who very likely has some serious structural damage. No one yells (no one with empathy) at a person paralyzed due to a stroke, yet when a similar problem affects judgement they get told to just suck it up and

We all know what the official motto in The NFL is “Anything For Sunday.” Shit the same white folks jumping all over Antonio Brown, deified Brett Favre for that shit. Yeah I believe this story because The Bucs and all NFL teams pretty much don’t give a shit about these men that cripple themselves for our entertainment.

Perfect, The Washington Crackers, very fitting.

“My brother wasn’t the only racist in the family!”- Jay Gruden

Seconded, minus the Bluetooth. Give me a cable, please. And a phone with an auxiliary outlet.

Stuff like this is why you really want ota updates in your car.

I’m stuck in Covid Standard Time. Today is Wednesday, March 675th, 2020.

what I want in my car is a dumb display and a bluetooth speaker system.

I’ll bring my own computation thank you very much.

As a developer that just dealt with a year rollover issue, time is hard to get right. Stuff like this is why you really want ota updates in your car. The “I don’t want my car to be a computer” fantasy is long gone and the best you can do is make the fixes easier.

If only the actual cars were stuck 20 years in the past as well...