This Might Be Satire

That something happens often, or is a normal part of life, doesn’t make not tragic. It’s invariably going to be a part of literally everyone’s story—but it (death) can obviously still be tragic, because it’s very often called “a tragedy.”

I’m glad Tendler is finding the time and space to express herself and make silly videos, and I hope she gets a jillion followers, meets someone new, and is fabulously happy (same goes for Munn and Mulaney.) 

Best of luck to them.

Good on them! This is long overdue in tabletop even if there are only a few companies large enough for the employees to do this kind of organization. 

Pretty much. I’ve been part of the Paizo community for a long time (almost 10 years to the day) and I’ve had to watch them slowly bleed all their talent over the years. At first it was understandable; Sean K Reynolds and Jessica Price were extremely toxic individuals, so it makes sense that they’d leave or be pushed

“This all came to a head when former employee Jessica Price published a lengthy Twitter thread accusing Paizo executives of (among other things) sexual harassment, fighting against diversity efforts within the company, and firing Marie for pushing back against the toxic work environment these actions fostered.”

I also like that we’re seeing workers increasingly viewing collective action as a possible response to cultures of harassment, misogyny and abuse. None of us need to tolerate that shit in our workplace, and any victim’s voice can be heard when they speak with the power of the collective.

Solidarity forever.


We can always go back to the days of resolving worker disputes by dragging the bosses into the street and bludgeoning them to death. You’d think treating your workers with a modicum of respect would be the preferred alternative, but I’m starting to have my doubts.

Good. Corporations have been running roughshod over society for so long that they have forgotten who they answer to first and foremost: the people. Until their practices, procedures, and principles reflect that, they need to be hammered into submission by the people — ie unions, because collective bargaining is the

Half of the cops called to the scene probably drive a similar brodozer

He’s a very new and inexperienced driver.

Rolling coal should be considered assault, and I’m glad the DA hasn’t ruled it out. I hope these cyclists sue this kid’s family, regardless of whether there are criminal charges.

Sounds like another case of Afluenza.

The DA is moving ahead with an accident reconstructionist to determine why the teenager hit the cyclists, as KTRK reports.

Sounds about white

Apparently the cops don’t recognize reckless driving. Texas Transportation Code 545.401 Reckless Driving.

That is some MASSIVE bullshit. That kid’s family clearly has connections and the cops are just living up to everyone’s expectations of them ALL being a bunch of bastards. Fuck this kid, his attorney, his family, and the police.