This Might Be Satire

“Imagine if she’d joined the Army? It was segregated until 1948.”

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

I’m really confused here as if the parents wealth was never a secret, what is a real revelation here? That Kemper won a creepy sounding pageant when she was pretty young? Also yeah, she was 19 then, but apparently grew up in a sheltered environment and might not have been able to make certain connections about things

This seems as good a time as any to say, fuck Rob Parker and the horse he rode in on.  Please cc what’s left of Deadspin.

I wish myself and others who suffer from depression could get that kind of support! Big ups to Naomi! 

Given the way her victory we received after beating Serena Williams that’d give anyone depression.  I feel for this girl and support her decision to kick these jerks to the curb.

The difference between a good person and a bad person isn’t that only a bad person has bad thoughts. Good people think all sorts of bad stuff.

If I were her, I would start playing table tennis. Fuck your sport, I’ll make this one famous while you wring hands about the media. 

I’d love to see her to the same as Marshawn Lynch as well but my guess is that he’s the sort of introvert who will snap at you if you’re invading his space and, based on her statements and some of her other press conferences, she’s the sort of introvert that would shy away from confrontation. I mean this is only one


Deadspin wont allow comments, so I’m here. I love to play and watch tennis and I am fan for Naomi. After her move this weekend, I’m even bigger fan. The media can be harsh, and very often they are. I suppose athletes can/should amend contracts to limit press, if they so desire. Perhaps Ms Osaka can grant shorter

The most powerful word is “No.” And we need to be heard and believed when we say it. Fuck the FO. 

Refusal is a great thing to paraphrase Breya Johnson. Unlike Naomi, a lot of us are not in the position to refuse work.

All four Grand Slam events issued that warning that she could face additional sanctions including getting defaulted. So I’m not sure what her plan is for Wimbledon but it sounds like unless there is enough outrage from both fans and fellow players that nothing will change at least in Wimbledon, which is notorious for

So proud of Naomi Osaka as I am of LeBron James: Not afraid to speak out, not afraid of the Sports Industrial complex, and proud as hell to be Black!! Her stance will change how the world of professional tennis deal with mental health/illness.

Great points.  As a 40 yr old, I didn’t want to go too much further back than my own perceptions, but you’re right....not a new movement.

It is gonna be funny as hell when Serena leaves and the lilly white overlords of tennis have chased away Naomi Osaka and their ratings crash and burn. I wish she had gone to the press conferences and pulled a Marshawn Lynch: “ I am just here so I don’t get fined.” Oh Billie Jean I see you back tracking after that

Yes there is research showing luck is more important than mertiocracy.  and the lucky do not see that luck. Yes hard work is important but so is they family you are lucky to be born into, the language you are lucky to speak. The country you are lucky to be born in. etc. 

Certainly proves the need for more aggressive estate taxes above a certain level.

There’s a general tendency to embrace the existence of hierarchy, because, absent that, the only explanation of your own circumstances is that it’s the result of man-made societal constructs and mostly due to pure chance. Recognizing that is too depressing, so people tend to embrace the fiction that there just are