Nothing can protect you from asshole passengers. Literally hell is other people. I am incredibly laid back so I rarely escalate things but I have had to break up a fight on a plane, subdue a drunk on a plane, intervene in a racist rant on a plane and occasionally, hold the hand of a terrified co passenger to keep them…
I traveled enough to where I don’t recline. I was on the last row of first class so could not recline. A full recline literally puts you in someone’s lap in first class on that mid 90s refurbed 737 or 747. If you recline so far you can make eye contact and complain when the person in behind you moves their body you…
Sooooo, y’all remember how this past year saw an alarming rise in the number of harassment complaints taking place in restaurants? Do ya think it’s possible that the rise in bad behavior is linked to, perhaps, the kind of people who have been totes cool with still going to restaurants, still flying recreationally,…
Its a plane full of passengers all related to each other by blood and by marriage(at the same time)
Stupidest thing about these people is that if you’re cool with 99% of flight attendants they make your trip a breeze (as much as they can on today’s flying cattle cars). I’ve gotten free food, booze, and great conversations, all because I did the ever so shocking thing of treating someone like a human being.
Conservativism at least used to pretend to be about “cut taxes, small government, religion in public life” and other stupid things like that....but now they have no platform besides “Be a Belligerent Obstructive Dipshit.”
Visitors at work have been extra levels of trash lately and essentially it’s because the sane good people are staying home until things settle.
But... Hillary’s Emails...
Nearly every noun in that sentence carries with it an expectation of a fistfight.
Shocked we don't hear any racial epithets thrown around when the good Samaritan intervened. Seems like the Venn diagram of those two types would definitely cross.
Yeah, I saw that the perpetrator was going with the “self-defense” argument. Problem is, now that the video is out, it doesn’t really back up her claims.
...you get elected...
I’m wondering if this is related to the rise of extra-shitty restaurant customers. Most reasonable people cut back on eating out and flying, so the people who are left are disproportionately terrible.
It’s right wingers losing their damn minds. Being a conservative in 2021 means you are proud to be a jerk, proud to be a liar and you are always the victim in any altercation because freedumb.
Amazing how immediately the assaulter’s friend/sister/mother(???) starts accusing the flight attendant of having “went after her first”, which I believe is also the story they’re telling the press. The video is right fucking there.
Ugh to be a flight attendant looking at his/her schedule that morning. You could take bets on WHEN you’d get this passenger, not IF.
OMG. Seen a lot of crazy shit on flights that’s up there.