This Might Be Satire

Fuck Dr. Phil

I’ve been waiting for someone to finally call him out for specific stuff. It seemed like it had to be there, but Fischer’s allegations were so vague and ambiguous. Which made it easy for Whedon to remain silent because he wasn’t being accused of anything.

I wish I could find The Onion “American Voices” about this where the last person’s response is just “Idiots.”

I have been a practicing lawyer for 17 years now, and I appear in court regularly. The last year has been full of court zoom conferences, and I don’t use filters or anything on my work computer for just this reason. Why take a risk?

Which only proves most lawyers are pussies.

The judge was forced to call a recess when defendant’s counsel fell asleep on his laptop keyboard.

Let it be known, henceforth I hearby propose that all legal proceedings conducted via Zoom “can haz” at least one participant utilizing this filter.

Campbell was charged with driving under the influence, aggravated assault and criminal mischief. He was released on the condition that he doesn’t drink or drive.

“Campbell was charged with driving under the influence, aggravated assault and criminal mischief. He was released on the condition that he doesn’t drink or drive.”

Mercedes, please keep up on this story and let us know of any developments.

Yep. They’re all “not sure” until the stories get straight.

He should have called...

Using him in this story is absolutely giving him more attention/credit than he deserves.

Regarding the upgrade pack, there is a movement in the community to stop shoe horning in a bunch of needless plastic into every game. I’m okay with it being a separate, not a mandatory, purchase.

So, you’re saying “it was a joke”?

Yeah, neither is an actual option given protections under the Bill of Rights and neither are actually funny.

You don’t think keelhauling would be funny? Falls more in line with leaving a noose in someone’s sleeping area than a few lashes on deck.

Easy. Hang the perpetrator for treason. That’s how the military can root out all the racists that seem to have infected its walls, floorboards, and very foundation. Stop the fucking around and coddling.

But calling it a pump-and-dump implies that it was entirely a fraudulent scheme to make money off of average rubes, when that wasn’t it at all. It was taking advantage of hugely over-exposed short-sellers and, well, squeezing them for as much as they could.

Pretty soon they will be able to cite pending litigation instead.