The stock market has never been about the overall health of the economy. These same people who are losing money now are the same people who intentionally let the 08 crisis happen because they knew they could weather it
The stock market has never been about the overall health of the economy. These same people who are losing money now are the same people who intentionally let the 08 crisis happen because they knew they could weather it
I’m no economy expert, but I think I solved the stock market. People just need to buy all the stocks and never sell, that way the imaginary money only goes up.
“how dare you use what we have been doing for years agaisnt us!” -Wall Street
If it only the ownage came with accountability.
Then Aragorn charges in. “The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid.”
For me, the two biggest are The Ride of the Rohirrim and “For Frodo”. The former never fails to astound me. I love the simple but earnest themes of courage, bravery and sacrifice in the trilogy and the sight of Theoden and his riders lined up to charge, his speech about riding to death, the obvious fear and danger –…
And yet The Return Of The King rules. Certain scenes will always give me goosebumps
“This is our city” also sounds REALLY menacing coming from a police chief
I’ve got a lot of guns myself. Do you know what I do when people ask me to denounce a hate group? I denounce the hate group, guns stay in the safe, and we continue the discussion like adults. Not really sure why that is so difficult.
So his response to a citizen exercising her first amendment right is to, just casually, express his second amendment right? Let’s set aside the whole argument about what the second amendment means, why on earth did he need to express his right at that particular moment? What the hell is he so afraid of? That is…
Just because it gets hard again doesn’t make the memories of hearing “is it in?” go away.
“I saw it across his chest and I thought it was ironic of him to do that,” Hentschel told AP. “The person was talking about guns and he had one across his chest. I didn’t see him do anything illegal or dangerous with it. He wasn’t threatening or brandishing. He was just holding it.”
Here in Quebec Canada, we are in a strick lockdown with curfew starting at 8pm every night for at least 4 weeks. The fine to break curfew start at 1000$cad(~$783 usd) and up to 6000$cad(~$4700 usd).
The BBC reports a man in England—a nation currently in lockdown in an attempt to curb a rampant infection rate arising from a new, more contagious strain of Covid-19—has broken the country’s strict restrictions to play some Pokémon Go, and as a result has been caught and fined by local police.
A Republican will punch you in the face, blame you for the punch, then turn around and say “The other side loves to fight, this is no time for fighting”.
Three GOP House Reps keep appearing over and over again:
With 435 Representatives and their staff retreating behind closed doors, how would the mob have distinguished members from both parties?
Agreed, and here’s my thing: release of information, especially on sensitive matters, is not like opening the floodgates. How much information is being deliberately withheld because it’s a matter of national security and/or an active crime investigation? I’m already blown away by some revelations, and I suspect that…
But yeah, the GOP is so, incredibly, fundamentally fucked here. On multiple fronts. For years, if not decades.
They shouldn’t let up until every last one of these crooks and terrorists are found, tried and punished. And if Biden comes In with that “let’s move on shit,” fuck him too