Infamous 2016 ‘undecided voter’ Ken Bone still can’t make up his mind
Infamous 2016 ‘undecided voter’ Ken Bone still can’t make up his mind
Credit: Graeme MacKay, The Hamilton Spectator
So, his narrative is that he “intentionally” caught a deadly plague, for which he had to be airlifted to the hospital for experimental drugs and steroids, because that’s what leaders do?!
He doesn’t do so well with gentle ramps either.
A leader who leads would have gotten it in February. #DollarShortDonny
Shhhh! Let them do this to “own the libs”. It’s a prayer come true.
He would never admit the truth or a loss, and I hope we still guillotine the corrupt people and his arrogance will make him stay to ensure it comes down on his head.
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
For his next act he’s going to test the new ‘superduper’ missile Slim Pickens style:
We are living in the WalMart of countries.
Our problem is that even if Dump does drop dead, his backup is worse and knows how to play the political games the ‘respectful’ way. And i’m sure that he’s likely taking every measure he can right now to avoid catching shit, because with our luck, he would die and Trump would not.
Great piece, Julianne.
The problem is (I’ve been thinking on this a lot, sadly) if they admit that they were wrong about him, then they have to admit that we liberal elites were right, even once. And they CAN’T DO THAT.
He’s not coming out of this 100%. Everything we’re hearing about the treatments doctors are administering leads me to (want to) believe that when he comes out of the hospital it will be severely diminished physically.
they won’t.
I’m guessing we’ll see a full recovery, but it’s hard to know.
This is not good for him at all. Trump mocked Biden for wearing a mask at the debate, and a solid majority of Americans are in favor of mask-wearing - that line of attack is now as wide and easy as a highway going downhill. And Pence is supposedly leading the White House’s COVID-19 task force, so Dems should certainly…
“Just thinking: If he and his wife survive, Trump’s supporters will dismiss the virus even more and increase not follow safety protocols, endangering us even more.”
“Rowling shouldn’t be cancelled.”
Seriously though, feels like the CA legislature/executive branch is gonna tell these guys to fuck off within a week.