This Might Be Satire

sadly yes. I know of some major cons (gencon, dragoncon) that openly told their fans that they had to wait on the state governor to force them to cancel or they would be on the hook for the full cost of their venue

Bullshit. There is no way in hell that the California would allow an indoor gathering of that size in three months anywhere in the state let alone alone in the county with the highest number of positive cases and deaths.

Unfortunately, the Maine wedding has shown us that the people who bear the worst consequences may be those who had nothing to do with the original bad decision.

Remember, folks, many of your fellow citizens are selfish psychopaths who would rather you or your loved ones needlessly suffer and die, than they have to do without a petty luxury for themselves.

What’s the source for this gif? It’s gold.

14. Skype’s self-esteem, after Zoom came through and ate all its food

They they are bringing back their love hotels with a Hotel Mario tie-in. Can you imagine, Hotel Mario XXX?

As is usual with these sort of things, this probably means they have plans for their own Mario hardcore xxx game.

“Don’t tell me a group of Beckies looking for Mandingo-meat”

Hopefully the airlines are sharing the “disruptive passenger” lists with each other.

Should have kicked Karen off the flight.

So, the cops are tired of being hassled, so now they are allowing domestic terrorism that agrees with them.

Fascist government officials use civilian paramilitaries to do dirty work that they don’t want to get caught doing. This is a playbook of oppression that Putin is using now and the right wing death squads of Central America and the various orange unionists of Northern Ireland have used in the recent past.

As of 11 a.m. Friday morning, the NYPD has not provided any further details into the investigation nor the identity of the people in the vehicle.

I’m not saying all cops are stupid, but dog, some of them are dumb as fuck.

They may not die from it, but they could have long term health issues like scarring of the lungs. Think of people who survive a stroke, but can’t walk ot talk as a result of it.

** looks at list **

The one good thing I guess is that there’s now something people wear on their face that distinguishes normal human beings from assholes.

This pandemic has shown us who are good people who are total fucking assholes.