This Might Be Satire

That, son, is the finest race ever to inherit the earth - with God’s blessing.

I feel every bit of this with all of my guts, and I say that as a person who’s very beloved dad has cancer, and underwent a procedure in October that wiped out all of his vaccinations and is not cleared yet to get re-vaccinated for anything at all. It really is time for America to reset, and this ghoulish nightmare

Ooh, so edgy commie suck-ass. Shit gotta change - take your ass to Venzuela.

Oh cool, so they just pulled this out of their ass.

Where was this outrage when thousands of people where on the streets?

This virus will alter this country forever.

To add to what you said, I’d also love to see if we could create separate stats to exclude the micro-hotspots, like assisted living/nursing and those meatpacking plants. I’m kind of more interested in the “healthy general population” stats (not to ignore the others, but they do introduce noise that doesn’t apply to

Detractors be like -

Why are we pretending that companies exist for any reason other than to make money?

Finding offense in something is subjective. Just because you don’t see it at first glance doesn’t mean others don’t see it immediately.

Nah, dude. Take it from someone who has been on the internet and a nerd for almost 20 years, now—this shit runs through all of nerd culture, and we need to start addressing it more upfront.

You’re telling me the title is clickbait and I chew on it ? My bad then. I still don’t care about their opinion on anything other board games though.

Is it really all that shocking?

Do black people not play games?

So they refuse to say something that has nothing to do with their business, but otherwise appear to be a company that supports diversity in it’s normal operations. What kind of nonsense is this.

Topic is board gaming. I didn’t read the article. But title says that board gaming should give its opinion. Fuck board gaming’s industry’s opinion on racism. Fuck their opinion on society.

A children’s toy company is harder on police and stronger advocate for equality than the current US president and government.

The fact that the Archdioese of St. Joseph sounds like they REALLY WANNA pull up on Trump’s ass after this stunt is all the proof I need that this man is getting buried in the worst way possible when the time comes.

The good news is this: Trump is scrambling. He’s been troubled embarrassed by months of coronavirus deaths and his administration’s botched attempts at handling the global pandemic.

Full disclosure - I have a strong tendency to text in complete thoughts/sentences with proper spelling and punctuation.