This Might Be Satire

Feel good. The Post Office makes examples of those who are caught tampering with, or stealing, the mail.

The Master Race strikes, again!

It’s the long-term domino effect that shutting down the show will cause. Hotels are going to need to recoup whatever costs were associated with being closed for several months, as well as losing reservations as events are cancelled.

This game (and this TV show) are a gift during these trying times.

That’s a given for all small business and any art that requires in person marketing and trials. It’ll definitely be interesting to see where the indie art/games/music world is at when this all blows over

At this point I’ll be more surprised when something isn’t cancelled.

... and in the comfort of your favorite quarantine sweatpants!

The loss of revenue for 2020 is just going to make future shows more expensive. I was priced out from attending after 2015, and I’ve heard that it’s only gotten worse since then. Origins was rescheduled for October, but even that seems like it’ll be unlikely to happen.

I misinterpreted your “that’s why I qualified it...” statement as snark. It can be tough to parse tone, and I’d be lying if I said it’s not what I’ve come to expect. Apologies, I will take responsibility. I also felt we were having a good conversation until that point.

Not sure why you’re trying to extend this disagreement. I am aware of what anecdotal means. The point is that there’s not much more to discuss.

I don’t think Vermont is more racist, I think Vermont is more naive. I did not clarify.

I’d argue that this is more prevalent in places where the population is largely homogeneous, like it is in Vermont.

Goddamn this makes me sick. Vermont is an interesting case. Heavily white, and about 50% libertarian, 50% progressive liberal, and cutting across both categories of political allegiance, 40% racist. Never impacted me directly but my wife has spent a lot of time in VT and had some interesting experiences; she stands

Some Vermonters make the The McMicheals look like liberal softies. Black and a flatlander? You best be taking your overpriced maple syrup and head back to where you came from.

“The leaves change color but the people never do.”

You forgot the Gravy SEALS who recently stormed the Michigan state assembly.

Star for Cosplaytriots. That’s going in the bank with Vanilla ISIS and Flu Klux Klan.

“What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit.”

What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit. BUT when the ACTUAL LAW is applied like, say...requiring them to stay inside for their own safety, well then that’s governmental overreach. Lord knows we cannot step on their Constitutional rights.

While some would compare Cheeto to Hitler, I would rather compare him to Mussolini: Full of exaggeration, devious, ineffective, and blindly followed (and I don’t violate Godwin’s law). Plus, it seems like he copies his facial patterns.

While some would compare Cheeto to Hitler, I would rather compare him to Mussolini: Full of exaggeration, devious,