Any source I provide on economic toll from leaving the economy shut down for months is complete conjecture.
The burden of antibody tests will be on blood bank technicians who are not feeling the COVID-19 effect with many being laid off due to optional surgeries not being done at this time. They can also draw the blood so that doesn’t fall on RNs. Testing those currently ill does have the caveat of inventory.
I believe slow reintroduction is weeks away, not months. Antibody checks for immunity and more liberal testing with best-effort cataloging will help.
‘boo hoo i have to be bored playing videogames at home with my kids, this is like being a prisoner of war’ said the petite bourgoisie as the essential workers and poor and uninsured and homeless died in the streets entirely preventably in the wealthiest nation on earth, while the main opposition party shadow…
So....embrace that everything will be cancelled from here on out?
Stay the fuck out of New Mexico, you idiots.