This Might Be Satire

Only Trump could make a turd like Cuomo look good.

This virus is serious, and very bad.

Until there are riots in the street, the circus will continue.

At this point, I just refuse to watch when the idiots start talking. I’ll listen to Dr. Fauci and the other experts.

My history degree taught me that it has always been this way and yet the species continues on despite their worst efforts. It’s comforting in a way.

It is for Israel.

Any source I provide on economic toll from leaving the economy shut down for months is complete conjecture.

The burden of antibody tests will be on blood bank technicians who are not feeling the COVID-19 effect with many being laid off due to optional surgeries not being done at this time. They can also draw the blood so that doesn’t fall on RNs. Testing those currently ill does have the caveat of inventory.

I believe slow reintroduction is weeks away, not months. Antibody checks for immunity and more liberal testing with best-effort cataloging will help.

That’s a low estimate, but still over 2.5x the death rate of the flu.

Two weeks? Two weeks? Anyone who’s seen the movie The Money Pit knows that “two weeks” is code for “fuck if I know, man.”

The reality of all of this is that there will be no return to the “normal” that we are accustomed to.

I think the fact that NOLA and the south aren’t in flames right now from Corona ( a place which has low local media coverage/ and low government response in general) to the outbreak is a testament to how low the Infection Death Rate actually is...

‘boo hoo i have to be bored playing videogames at home with my kids, this is like being a prisoner of war’ said the petite bourgoisie as the essential workers and poor and uninsured and homeless died in the streets entirely preventably in the wealthiest nation on earth, while the main opposition party shadow

It’s not that you have nothing to look forward to. This will end eventually, as these things always do. The point is that if you are holding out hope that this is going to be over in two weeks, it’s a false hope, and you’re only hurting yourself with it.

So....embrace that everything will be cancelled from here on out?

“Regarding the testing thing ... hasn’t that ship sailed already?”

So: You have a place in the city, with heat that just comes on, endless water at the tap, a pipe that carries all your wastewater away, a full kitchen, lots of cabinets, full size stove and oven, big fridge, separate beds, and full media communication.

Naw. You know what’s not a “crapshoot”? Staying in place and dealing with cabin fever.

Stay the fuck out of New Mexico, you idiots.