This Might Be Satire

Oh, look, more “rules don’t apply to me” assholes! Behavior like this will totally not prolong the duration of this global catastrophe!

Trump did a good job even if the left will never accept it

What will be interesting and tragic is the number of idiotic Republican governors (like Texas) who will follow his lead and lift all social distancing restrictions in time for Easter.

Half of Americans are bad. For this reason, democracy is kind of bad too.

Escaping accountability, after all, has been Trump’s greatest trick during his time in office adult life.

New Game

Oh good, we found idiots desperate for attention and now we’re lavishing them with it.

Well, at least we know where all the grey posters are these days.

“If I get Corona, I get Corona”.

Teens are always going to be stupid. This is on Miami for keeping hotels/motels/bars/beaches open.

What’s particularly frustrating is that most of these jerkwads will be fine even if they get the virus — but they may pass it on to older or unhealthy people where it may be life-threatening.

Maybe just quarantine all of Florida, but send them months worth of beer and liquor so they can have a months-long spring break and not affect the rest of us?

All of you claiming that at age 21, you would have completely heeded the government’s suggestions to stay inside and away from your friends - are full of it.

America doesn’t have a monopoly on stupid

I’m not saying America has the dumbest people in the world. But it’s a big country and so many of them treat stupidity like a virtue.

Nobody knows. We’re in uncharted waters.

Edit: sadly I’m not as confident as you that we are on track for any of this. The fuckup with testing in the US is bad enough. The lack of coordination and planning we are seeing at a national level is even more worrisome.

It would seem that asking all of your workers to come into work during a global epidemic kind of defeats the point. If you were worried about the bottom line, you wouldn’t have asked them to come in at all.

I’m willing to bet the “death” of the Speed Force is another test for Barry. Which he’ll flunk, because Barry, and eventually the Speed Force will return to sigh exasperatedly at him and restore everything back to normal...or as normal as the Arrowverse gets, anyway :-)

I was glad Wally was mad at Barry, Barry is like most of us, if we pretend nothing is wrong maybe it will go away. But that’s not how it works!