
Came here to say something similar...thanks Sterling.

I am praying that somehow, some way the Giants find a way to sign him.


For once the Browns won’t even have to draft a quarterback to guarantee themselves a bunch of picks.

This never would’ve happened if Chip Kelly were still alive.

John Wilkes Booth: “Yo man, I’mma let you finish, but I had the greatest play interruption of all time!”

Baseball: where fans are deliberately placed to where they can potentially interfere with the play.... then get kicked out of the game for interfering with the play, as if the possibility of it happening never even occurred to anyone before.

One of these days, they’ll realize Cardinals don’t have yellow beaks.

More of a pastel black.

The NFL did announce that all “Color Rush” games would get special yard and line markers for the field.

Great, the PC police have to jump in on Game of Thrones casting now? If he was written as a dog, he needs to stay a dog.

the mustang is the florida of cars.

I don’t hate Mustangs, but more often than not people who own Mustang think they are top-shit. They think the world owes them a race because they have a fast car. This also hilariously applies to alot of Civic Si/Civic Coupe owners.


Yeah this morning was pretty rough. I almost couldn’t get any work done reading all of these pissed off Michiganders school me on the differences between Flint (run down city with dirty water) and Detroit (run down city with clean water).

This guy gives the children of Detroit foul balls. Their city government gives them foul water.

It’s “Cardale was denied access to AN proper English class,” you pretentious twat.

It’s clear from his grammar that Cardale was denied access to a proper English class at tOSU.

So can we just Voltron the two together and call it good?

St. Louis has officially changed their mascot to the Caucasians, or “Caucs” for short.