Mullah Omar

I believe it was Iger, there were reports that Kennedy pushed for two things: 1.) Solo be pushed back to November/December because modern audiences saw Star Wars projects as Holiday releases; 2.) That they postpone the third ST entry by at least a year to figure out the best way to handle Carrie Fisher’s passing. Iger

I feel like Kennedy has a consistent record of second-guessing her decisions, most notably in her decision to replace Lord & Miller mid-production with Ron Howard (a decision which even if you feel was the right one, should probably have been made long before it got to that point), but also in all the directors and

Who’s to blame for not making a plan for the trilogy then? That should have been the first thing they did before writing any scripts and they didn’t do that at all.

I think the comparison to Lucas is apt, because much like Lucas, Filoni has made some all-time classics and some straight up trash!

Online writers like to pretend that X/Twitter represents the entirety of public opinion because online writers are fundamentally lazy. To be fair, the pre-Twitter version of this phenomenon was “I can imagine overhearing people talking about this at the local diner (if I ever were to visit a diner)" so maybe it's a

Despite widespread backlash”

Now playing

I just hope the movie mentions Bernstein canceling his appearance at the 1984 East German cultural festival, and how the American rock’n’roll star Nick Rivers went in his place:

Ok dude keep your fetish to yourself.

Elon’s famous for saying that if factory workers can’t work from home, software engineers shouldn’t get to either. But that doesn’t apply to him, does it? He’s in an intense leadership role in multiple companies. If I told my management “Hey, I’ll be spending eight months of the year working at other companies, but I

Sadly, anyone who knows the name Kevin Federline is officially old.

I don’t think he was an asshole for being honest about not being ready to be a father, and without any other information, they should both be held equally responsible for the pregnancy (and I am not implying assault, but sometimes condoms are removed without a partners knowledge). However, knowing that there was a

You know it’s a two way street right? Why wasn’t she also more careful. They were both young hot celebs, they both should have been more careful but, hell, maybe they both were. Birth control fails sometimes. And why is he an asshole for being open and honest about not being ready to be a father?  Would it have

“ an abortion at her boyfriend’s insistence.”

Yeah, I think supporting a woman’s right to choose does not require us to think that the man in the relationship must withhold all views about whether to terminate the pregnancy. The ultimate choice should be (and apparently was) Spears’, but Timberlake is another person the choice would have a dramatic effect on, and

Sensible Decision For All Concerned, updates to follow...

“Well now, that depends on what you mean by ‘is’...”

I just wish that entire messy family would go the fuck away. I never liked Will, never gave a shit about Jada, and just find the kids to be tiresome Nepo babies who mom and dad are going to make successful if it’s the last thing they do. They whole family is just so tiresome.

Agreed. If she wanted to give her Oscar back as a statement, more power to her. But it's certainly not a thing she should feel any pressure to do.

Ah, so that’s what Fitz is up to now. It’s good to see Iain De Caestecker get a challenging starring role.