Mullah Omar

This has nothing to do with the story, but here goes anyway:

Three sources, including one close to Seven Bucks, claimed Johnson averaged no more than an hour late to set.

For some reason, an expression of a similar idea by Carson Daly in a Playboy interview has stuck with me for decades: In radio, if you show up on time and don’t have a drug problem, you’re pretty much a god.

Three sources, including one close to Seven Bucks, claimed Johnson averaged no more than an hour late to set.

I wonder if he will show up on time for that one hour per year...

My favorite line from the article: In response to questions from TheWrap, two sources close to the production and one close to Seven Bucks all insisted that Johnson averaged no more than one hour late to the “Red One” set.

If that’s the best your DEFENDERS can do, there’s a problem

If you smell what the Rock is cookin... It’s asparagus.

It kinda depends on what you liked the most about the series.

The Doctor becoming a giant mope because his 20 year old girlfriend left was one of the worst developments in that era. Making 11 baffled and offput by Amy's advances (and human sexuality in general) was a much needed corrective

I loved RTD’s first run and while there were missteps (farting aliens, anyone?) what era of Who hasn’t had those? It was an exceptionally well done 21st Century update of an iconic piece of television and its strength set a tone that’s allowed the show to continue on for twenty years (and who knows how much longer

Those responsible for canceling the cancellation special have been canceled.

Now playing

>Honestly surprised it took the show this long to use the Ink Spots’ “Maybe,” perhaps the most iconic Fallout soundtrack song.

“Two Half Men”

Paul did not decide to become the messiah. The point of the books is that this is the result of thousands of years of planning and that planning has gone horribly wrong. The Fremen decided he was their messiah and the Bene Gesserit gave him the abilities to match that expectation. Not only did the Fremen choose him,

it’s a clear sign that American audiences just love stories about white saviors ingratiating themselves into an indigenous culture and then deciding that they are actually that culture’s messiah’

Congrats you ignorant fucking morons completely missed the point of the film, which went a step further than the

Uh...last Thursday? It was available on that exact streaming service through the end of February.

Kids always think they are so clever and we’re the first to think of things.

They’re going to do Dune Messiah, and they’re going to change it a bit to fit with the changes made in this movie.

Don’t mention Ant Man and asses when Thanos is around.

Nobody cares about The High Evolutionary outside of Guardians vol. 3. Just recast Kang with Chukwudi Iwuji and either say High Evolutionary was a variant or ignore it entirely.