Mullah Omar
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They were certainly mad at Ser Barristan Selmy.

Agree with this. The endpoints throughout the last season aren’t wrong - they just aren’t earned. Mad Queen Dany is a perfectly reasonable ending for the story, in fact possibly a great ending. It just wasn’t earned and wasn’t set up. Arya is a perfectly reasonable character to kill the Night King. It just came out of

As with practically everything that happens in the final season, the issue is the journey, not the destination. Sure, there are scenarios in which it makes for Brand to end up on the throne—as you lay out!—but what we get on the screen is Bran just kind of hanging around doing nothing in particular for...most of the

I think the showrunners biggest mistake was not revealing to the actors from the start what their characters would be about because they were afraid of spoilers. I bet Emilia would have acted many scenes quite differently if she had known she would become evil in Season 8. Throughout much of season 8, at which point

I’ll do you one better, and posit that two different streamers are trying to rush out their competing documentaries before the other.

I’m not sure which is a more obvious sign that this was bullshit. The fact that it was first reported by The Sun or that it involves Cameron doing anything with a streaming service. 

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I would think it’s offensive to him - minus your air quotes - because Cameron was good friends with “P.H.”, Paul-Henry Nargeolet, who he’d worked with for 25 years before he died in the implosion. He talked a little bit about that friendship when he did his initial interview.

“roughest parts of Montréal”

Al Pacino is somewhat stereotypically known for yelling in movies,...”

1-3 were experiments where Tom Cruise wanted each director to interpret each film any way they wanted. Then JJ Abrams showed up and was like, “Alias, though” and suddenly they decided to make them stylish heist films forever. And then McQuarrie showed up and was like, “Also, what if Tom Cruise risks his life doing

Agree on Fillion. I don’t expect to see much of him. He’s basically become to Gunn what JGL is to Rian Johnson, or Bruce Campbell is to Raimi. Just a buddy he tries to squeeze into all of his movies, even when it’s a small “Oh shit, there he is!” role. 

Absolutely Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. He was already playing Tony Stark in that movie.

He should return to the role that earned him an Oscar and call it...

I clicked, read his two picks, and was ready to roll my eyes straight out of my head and all the way to Nepal. But I do get his reasons.

A movie that doesn’t get talked about much at all (for good reason!) is 2003's Gothika, starring Halle Berry. Downey has a supporting role in it and the movie was a landmark for his career because he was literally unhirable before the movie was made. The insurance to hire him on that movie was astronomical because of

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The sequel had that opening sequence where Robert Carlyle truly demonstrates cardio in the apocalypse and busts several moves like a champion in the process of getting away.

Nothing says “impossibly good” like a B grade.

They are excellent. 2 was definitely the weakest. But they are AMAZING after that. 

The third was where they actually started getting good, and have only accelerated in that direction since.