Mullah Omar

I disagree.  He shows up and hour and a half in and is just one voice in the big chase at the end. I’m sure he will do more in the next movie but he was not in much of this one.  

I can’t help but think that Across the Spider-Verse kneecapped both these movies. The amazing stylistic flourishes of the Spider-Verse movies really make Pixar’s house style feel a bit too bland and safe; it seems like every other studio is branching out with different styles (look at the painted style of the upcoming

You’re a fucking dunce. You don’t even deserve a polite reply. Sorry the world is passing you by. Maybe it’s time for you to get in the forever box now

Not sure what your twisted hateful brain considers woke but there is a Spider-man movie out there right now making tons of money which features a bunch of Spider-people and literally only one with a speaking part is a cis-white male Peter Parker and he is basically a cameo.

You included a link to fucking Fox News? My cat could Google this shit and find nine better sources.

He’d just fall off a rooftop while trying to pose dramatically near a gargoyle for Vanity Fair

I can’t wait for the Netflix series five years from now, where Harry will talk gravely about how traumatic it was to hear his wife described as a “grifter,” because it reminded him of the unfair criticism his mother received before she died.

Yuck, why bother to watch a shitty cam bootleg when you can just wait two months and see it in 4k. The bad audio, sounds of people shuffling around, watermarks for crappy gambling sites... blegh

or a Jason Statham, who people seem to prefer being serious.”

Has Marvel already sent feelers out to Chukwudi Iwuji’s team about retconning the High Evolutionary as yet another Kang variant and bringing him on to take over the role?

“some of the main places where the writers is”

Beyond the mean-spiritedness, it’s stupid. Their real enemy is the corporation, not some 20-year-old who dared to question the shit these clowns expected to come out of her mouth.

The tweets they’re referring to each have fewer than 200 likes each, I think this is avclub scrounging for drama

That seems like mean spirited punching down, the girl’s like 20 years old give me a break.

I always imagined Vincent D’Onofrio.

Perhaps my favorite novel of all time, and definitely the book that made me want to write books. Now who in the hell could they get to play Holden? Here’s an off-the-wall idea: Dave Bautista. He’s old enough now, and certainly big enough (one of a very few actors that really is big enough), and maybe, just maybe, he’s

Haven’t any of his toadies told him WHY they have the “verified user” check marks? It’s more to protect Twitter than it is to protect users. They instituted it because people were threatening lawsuits over users pretending they were media personalities, or other personalities in the public eye and saying awful things

I don’t know about you, but I appreciate when a review lets me know not to take it seriously really early on like that.

Reporting on this guy and his “will he or won’t he?” antics is only contributing to the problem. Seriously, after Trump has nobody learned anything about covering narcissists?

Huh. I had no idea that “The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent” was abysmal. You’d think I would have noticed that when I watched it.