Mullah Omar

OK, now they’re legit trolling

Fuck you AVClub!

FFS can you NOT put such a goddamn spoiler in the bloody TITLE. Dickheads.

i don’t even watch the show, and this pisses me off. just alienating.

Which means the lesson is: if you’re an episode behind on any buzzy prestige TV series, don’t come here; the AV Club obviously cares more about clicks from people who are caught up than about spoilering major twists for even 24 hours.

Yeah, I guess so.


I’ve never seen the show, I don’t plan to see the show, I don’t especially have an interest in the whole kerfuffle you’ve created here, is my point. (Congrats on all the clicks, though, rage clicks count just as much as love clicks.)

Final nail in the coffin for this website sadly. I was still coming around, mostly out of habit, mostly for the comments. But now this shit burns me up. And I watched the episode last night so the spoiler didn’t affect me. Never I have I seen such contempt for the readers. 

Thanks now I’ll never watch the show, great job you dumb fucking bitches.

It’s like you guys actively want to alienate your readers. 

Fuck you AVClub

Can’t believe you actually put that on the first page.

OK, now they’re legit trolling.

Article on top: *hints at spoiler* “Don’t read this article until you watch the episode!”

You god damn assholes.

Fucking hacks.

I loved episode 3 (also ‘for the heart’) but this one just didn’t hit at all for me. I thought the young lady playing Riley was fantastic, though.

Definitely my least favorite episode so far. They spent way to much time just goofing around, and I just had a hard time paying attention to it. I really didn’t feel like I gained anything from this episode about Ellie or about the main story. 

Similarly, Garfield creator Jim Davis went on a disturbing, hate-filled rant about Mondays in a recent strip, which he then followed-up with an effusive essay about his favorite food lasagna.