Mullah Omar

Except Warner had already signed a contract for a 5th season, so now they’re required to pay every single Westworld actor their full salary for that season, even though it won’t get made.

That doesn’t seem to matter ever since WB merged with Discovery, as they’ve been putting almost everything on the chopping block even if it is popular. Westworld was one of HBO’s most popular shows, but it was expensive so it got the axe regardless of strong ratings. Los Espookys wasn’t as popular, but it was MUCH

I agree with you in principle, and yet... Everything is a rescue unless we fix the system that lets breeders make as much product as they want. Either way, you pay money and get an animal. You might as well get what you want, and what is right for your family. There are too many cases of pitbulls and other emotionally

Call me old fashioned, but I actually don’t think it’s unreasonable to not prioritize the opinion of a 14, 15, 16 year old in a professional environment, even if that teenager has as much experience as an older worker.

I’m sure it was frustrating to her, but it’s not surprising a roomful of adults wouldn’t be looking for creative input from a 14 year-old.  

I don’t think people really knew this movie existed. If they did, there would have been a much bigger uproar from the bigots lol.

kid-friendly hijinks (Jaeger’s got a flamethrower...)

Too much worrying about staying cool and leaving a legacy. Just keep telling the stories you want to tell. 

George Miller’s out here making a prequel to the magnum opus he made when he was almost 70.

I get where he’s coming from, but Scorsese is still out there making classics at 80.

My college-educated Gen-Z/Millenial cusp coworker mentioned that she heard about how “many chemicals are in birth control” to me, and told me about how all you have to do is open the documentation packet that comes with your birth control, and “it’s like pages long, written in really small print”.

The tradwife trend has actively ruined all social media for me. I guess I hit a sweet spot of craft, slow farming, vintage finds and cooking content to pull in all the religious, anti-feminist nutjob content. It’s highly upsetting to be minding my fucking business, watching an embroidery video and suddenly I’ve got

My replies have gotten totally Kinja’d.

The problem with the Glenn death is twofold.

First, it came right after they had just done a very poorly conceived fakeout about his death with the whole under the dumpster incident. He didn’t crawl under the cockadoodie dumpster! in no rush to have his final film premiere on somebody’s phone while they’re on the toilet.

I loved Moon Knight. That and Loki were my favourites, so I think this is a case of YMMV.

Don’t waste your time. What a tremendous nothing burger this is. Seems like something done by a first year intern. Or maybe someone would have done this when applying for an inernship.

I was wondering the same thing.

A toned-down Madonna.

Can’t wait for this!  Curious how Madonna herself feels about this.