Mullah Omar

Well, at least New AV Club is continuing the Old AV Club tradition of hyping some random movie to the hilt only to ultimately give it a C-.

Isnt she the druggie from one of those MTV 1990s reality shows?”
We’re going to have to ask you to narrow down that search a little.

Watching the Internet of today calling out the judges of America’s Next Top Model for being problematic is like watching people calling out a Klan member in the 50's for using the n-word. It’s like, “no shit. What did you expect?”

This was a show where young girls were competing to enter the fashion industry of the

We’ve finally reached the point where Weaveworld would rock everyone’s socks off. GIVE ME THE FUGUE, HOLLYWOOD!!!

I’ll be over here imagining how awesome it would be for someone to actually make an Imajica series rather than rehashing Hellraiser for the umpteenth time.

I’d heard the name in connection to the shitty-ness of it all, but it was literally NOW that I discovered it’s Ricky from Better off Dead. Like, I saw the picture and thought, “Hmm, that looks like the dude who played Ricky from Better Off Dead,” but assumed it wasn’t actually him. 

To be fair, when Schneider was on SNL the politics were hidden under Chris Farley’s mountain of cocaine.

Even the funniest guy on Earth can’t make conservative American political comedy work.  The material never coheres into anything but name calling and “kids these days” type grandpa rants. 

Schneider is an idiot. SNL has always been political and I am not sure their politics were well hidden. At best, Schneider was on at a time when apolitical bits were probably a bit more prevalent, but I think that had more to do with the writers’ sensibilities.

I mean, Rob Schneider sucks, but he’s not wrong in this instance. That was a really embarrassing/cringey moment for a comedy show.

Disgusting situation/human being, but award-worthy “Better Off Dead” reference. /kudos :D

He had his slimy octopus testicles all over everyone, didn’t he?

I guess the question isnt really if he was an asshole or not, it’s if Olivia fired him for being an asshole. From his receipts it looks like she wanted him to stay on the movie and turned on him after the fact to look good to the media

Trying to capitalize off the abuse that Shia LeBouf committed for brownie points, then getting immediately called out is a pretty rough look for Olivia Wilde.

We pinky promised. That means something in my house.”

Ocean’s Eleven is my go-to example for that. The 1960 movie was... not great. Drawn-out and lumpy. So you take a good solid idea and remake it with style and pizazz and fantastic casting.

You just made me think of Untitled Goose Game if the goose got its beak on a gun and that’s terrifying.

Came here to say this.

So this game is a First Person...Splooter?????

The game had better have pvp.