Mullah Omar

I expect the books will have an ending eventually. Not expecting Martin to be the one to actually write it though.

Exactly. My immediate thought about what the biggest difference would be is that the show had an ending and the books will not.

If the books never come out then they cant end the same way as the show.

This is worse than NoobMaster69 calling him a dickhead on Fortnite.

JJJ is the one that I immediately reacted to, and I think it maybe comes down to the specific wording here? Like I can see the argument that the character himself is a little one-note and doesn’t get a lot of development compared to, say, Iron Man, but in terms of actors nailing the role? Simmons owns this list. He’ll

Kilgrave is arguably the MCU’s best villain (he’s sure as hell more interesting than Thanos anyway) and you just dump him in the mid-70's? It’s no wonder why people keep clinging to the “MCU has no good villains” myth when all the good ones get overlooked like this.

Kilgrave should be higher on this list: at the very least a top five villain for Marvel MCU (TVU?)

I’ll have to respectfully disagree about James Marsden’s Cyclops being anywhere on this list, as I thought the actor was nowhere near up to the task of capturing the character or going toe-to-toe with Hugh Jackman.

I am predicting the series finale to include a shot of Nancy firing away with machine guns in both arms

“Notoriously Reclusive” these days = “Doesn’t have a permanent social media team recording carefully-orchestrated slice-of-life-I’m-just-an-ordinary-girl-just-like-you content to upload to the Gram and Tiktok at least eight times a day.”

Kate Bush has already addressed the 'notoriously reclusive' statement in the past. She said she is not, she's just not 'look at me look at me' all the time and generally goes about her business like the rest of us instead of trying to actively seek attention.

She likes her sword blades dull and rounded.

Lmfao, you’re not kidding. I had to go back and look after I read you comment. It looks so fake.

Did they get her sword at a Spirit Halloween store?

I read some interview with Steve Guttenberg once where he summed up his career thusly:

Deadpool 3 shouldn’t be an action movie at all. It should just be Deadpool and Thor hanging out and following Wolverine around pranking him while he’s trying to relax. Actually, it should be Deadpool and Thor using America Chavez’s powers to go to a universe where Wolverine is still alive, so that they can follow him

Paul Haggis should have been arrested for directing Crash

“Clyde Frog shows how to safely burn a cross.”

Ahh the famous woke cancel culture of 1976.