Mullah Omar

all true, but this is one of the LAST guys I would ever expect to voluntarily step back in light of this type of investigation. Either he was already going to step down (doubtful) or they have some serious shit on him, because he seems like king of the “you’re not the boss of me!” crowd.

Vince McMahon??? Misconduct???!!! Get the FUCK outta here!!!!

You’ve got a bad ass, face changing adolescent female assassin plotting a course for high seas adventures in the uncharted realms some of which may be tropical so possibly tits, or this mopey fuck hunting polar bears during a blizzard in Winter and nipples that could easily poke your eye out.   Which to spin off?!

Ewan McGregor is such a fantastic actor and it’s great to hear he’s been getting my perverted fan art.

After the novelty of Phantom Menace wore off, I disliked the Cirque Du Soleil lightsaber routines in the prequels that made it more like a stunt show than an actual swordfight with brutal consequences on the business end (they have nothing on the swordfight in “Rob Roy”, or even the climactic lightsaber/Force fight in

He wasn’t as lionized as he is today, but in 1993 Tom Hanks was a hugely likable and bankable leading man. Think of Big, Splash, A League of Their Own, Sleepless in Seattle...while the pivot to straight drama was a departure at the time, he was way established in the culture as a charismatic and relatable performer.

Sleepless in Seattle and A League of their Own were two of his most-high profile roles right before Philadelphia, and he was already building a reputation as the “nicest man in Hollywood” by then. So I’d say he was on Hollywood’s A-list even then.

Personally, I thought it worked great to show a girl/woman can not conform to gender stereotypes without it automatically meaning she’s gay (see also, Brienne).

Again, what the fuck are people talking about?

Brilliant actor who had such an amazing career.

Nah, the best film of 1994 was the Chris Elliott vehicle “Cabin Boy”.

You do have to admit, Mr. Hanks is a pretty smart guy. From the New York Times interview:

But Knives In was right there!

I’d argue he played Spider-Man differently in No Way Home than he did in his franchise films.

Hey everyone, this guy has an anecdote. No need to worry about Covid anymore!

‘How could the kids fight and Nick Fury not show up?,’” he says of the rift between Captain America and Iron Man. “Like, ‘What’s going on here? Everybody go to your room.’

It’s a conundrum, because normally if someone makes a request you don’t want to fulfill, you tell them to fuck off. But if the request is to tell them to fuck off...

Now that I’ve seen it, I can confirm these comments are way off. Each episode is thoroughly engaging. Not a second wasted. When all is said and done, this will amount to 9 episodes that would have been maybe 12 or 13 episodes if they were 45 minutes a piece which is the length of your typical prestige TV season.

AVClub: Stranger things is “bogged down by its runtime”