Mullah Omar

Probably more of a Miller High Life thing instead

Warner Bros. set to announce that T.J. Miller will be taking over the Flash franchise.

You have a higher chance of going to Hawaii and getting attacked by Ezra Miller than you do getting attacked by a shark.

I can imagine all future expansion plans (hotels or parks) are on hold right now. There’s probably a line of governors and state legislators begging Disney to bring just one park to their state, so Disney might just move plans to a friendlier environment. That said, climate change is more of a threat to Florida than

The thing is Disney holds the cards here. The threat is toothless. Disney thrives because of its special legal status in Florida and Disney thriving is why Florida isn’t just another Tennessee or Kentucky.   

Or maybe if we’re really lucky this will turn into a “fucked around and found out” situation where the state’s largest employer puts its full weight behind defeating DeSantis and any of the Republicans that try to help him.

I would love love love if Disney called this douchebag’s bluff and pulled out of Florida. At least on the level of shipping all their employees down there; I can’t imagine planning to shutter Disney World would ever happen, but deciding to not bring more employees to a state rapidly receding both into the past and the

DeSantis is a vengeful bully, intolerant, toxic and corrupt. He’s an engorged tick with tiny hands and fingers feasting on the fears of ignorant Floridians through division and trumped up culture wars. Bugs had it right

There’s another way Disney World is like Vatican City. Neither is a place you want to leave kids unattended.

This is why Disney donates to all those Florida politicians.

This. The sad reality is that Disney is too powerful of a company. Unless Desantis is drunk in his political influence, he’ll easily make enemies with our corporate overlords. But he’s too simple and insecure.

This ^. It’s all bluster. Can you imagine the damage Disney could do to the state/DeSantis should he attempt this nonsense? There are three American institutions I never want to fuck with: the FBI, the IRS and the Disney. 

Will never happen. Its just another one of Ron’s toothless headline grabbers in his bid to be POTUS in 2025.

Does every article about Wilco have to mention the dad rock thing? It wasn’t dad rock when it came out. (Neither was any Pavement album, for that matter.) Don’t discourage people from checking out great music from the past by implying only lame dads listen to it.

Can’t get better than doing a trailer with Sweet Child of Mine. My god how Taika save Thor “solo” movies after part 1 was a bore and part 2 sucked by making the best marvel movie in part 3!

yes. I’m not sure who was asking for a super-serious, largely joyless adventure featuring almost exclusively grown-ass adults and olds. FB has no purpose or reason for being beyond “monies.”

I heard Will Smith has been practicing his backhand in case there’s a sequel.

Lucas for sure, but Spielberg’s direction was listless, lifeless and bloodless.

We had a latter-day Indy sequel with Spielberg and Lucas.  Sorry, but after that one, they deserve a ban from the property.  

They have a perfectly good (I mean, GREAT) Lance Reddick just sitting there as the main character for a Continental show,and instead they go with this.