Mullah Omar

I’ve been out of the loop for some time now but I figured Kim Kardashian would’ve stopped being relevant by 2012.

Oppenheimer Bombs at Box Office”

Some men just want to watch the world burn.

If she was in it, the press for the movie would have been about 30% about the movie and 70% about Madonna being in the movie

WandaVision kind of fell apart near the end,”

Equally well-supported counterpoint: no it didn’t.

Sam looks older than I expected.

Actual footage of Sam Barsanti

Gamora was from the episode that couldn’t get finished in time because of the pandemic. Obviously, this finale episode was already finished, and it would have been more work to redo this episode and remove her.

Your point is relatively garbage compared to theirs.

Isn’t this more on Sony than Marvel?

“I can’t believe Sorkin didn’t know about his behaviour! There was an article in the WSJ from 2005!” - website that has also been giving Rudin a free pass since 2005.

The end of the Strange episode makes very clear that he’s stuck in that tiny bubble universe.

It’s pretty ridiculous. Particularly when Barsanti claims he’s just dissecting the details from previous episodes and gets things so wrong. The end of the Strange episode makes very clear that he’s stuck in that tiny bubble universe. That had nothing to do with the Watcher, and he certainly didn’t “allow anything.”

Intergalactic Desserts with Ice-Cream Maker Guy

Gina, this could be us, but you playin’.

Such an amazing episode. Of course it gets a crappy score here.

We at the studio want a Bond with attitude. He’s edgy. He’s in your face. You’ve heard the expression “Let’s get busy”? Well, this is a Bond that gets biz-zay! Consistently and thoroughly.

Most reviews I’ve read so far are more positive than this one. I don’t think it will be as well received as Skyfall and Casino Royale but it looks like it might get better reviews than Spectre.

But five stars in The Guardian - looks like I’ll have to make up my own mind.

I thought Hopkins kept himself from blinking during his scenes because it helped make Lecter creepy as fuck, not to “mesmerize the audience.”