Mullah Omar


Hey! Wait! I filed a dumb complaint.”

This whole thing feels like it was made up by the Onion

Oh for the sake of fuck.

Regal Cinemas (and likely soon AMC as well) where I live is requiring vaccination cards along with ID at the door for all showings now. Yes, not foolproof, but good enough for me.

In 1973, Marvel Comics combined the two archetypes with the introduction of Shang-Chi, a character whose powers came from a lifetime of training in the fighting arts.

I didn’t get a Community notification for this?

I guess I’m just oblivious. I thought Excalibur was pretty universally beloved, at least in the pantheon of Arthurian movies!

While it’s fun to shut racists up and point out that some of the knights of Arthurian legend were Saracens and other PoC, I think a stronger point of order is that this movie clearly isn’t intended to be a “historically accurate” movie featuring a giant, a talking fox, and a tree dude, and everyone is speaking modern

one could not be blamed for desiring an Arthurian adventure that didn’t unfold in such an unbroken state of art-movie portentousness”

Googled to verify, you are not wrong. “10 years in the last 4" sounds about right.

Captain America: Winter Soldier really showed the way. You can make a spy thriller that’s a superhero movie, you can make a horror movie (eventually better than New Mutants) that’s a superhero movie, as long as the money is there that will be the way to get people to keep going in: take Gunn’s next movie and just turn

The first five seconds of that video are very awkward.

What is even more disturbing is that somebody upvoted him.

why would you ungrey him lol ...
Don’t answer those trolls, leave them dwell in the shadows where they belong.

to be this stunningly stupid is an achievement, in a way

Eric Clapton just isn’t the type of guy to inject dangerous, untested substances into his body.

I think they’re different animals.

Hot take: Diesel makes better films than The Rock. I like Dwayne Johnson more and even find him more interesting as an actor. Johnson is great in other peoples movies like Be Cool, Pain and Gain, the Fast and Furious films. But, outside of The Rundown (which is a guilty pleasure) and Moana, most of his films run from

“Coming this summer: Fast & Fellini. Not starring Dwayne Johnson.”